Friday, April 2, 2010

Headache & Spring Fever

I have been so sick and finally feel almost human again.  I have been hosting a headache in my head for almost two weeks now, but finally drug myself to the doctor to end the party for some relief and now that I have a few days of antibiotics in my system, I am almost human again!

I hate doctors, their offices and the whole idea of going.  I was so sick Monday that I was ready to go.  So where do you think I ended up?  The only doctor I like….my eye doctor! HA!  The lady up at the front desk was so confused when I walked in without an appointment and wanted to see him.  I thought I had a sinus infection, and figured he could help me!  He did too!  She went back to talk with him and he told her to send me back!!  I just smirked as I went back!!

Not only did he see me, but he sent me to Publix to get my RX because they are free there!!  I really like him now!!  So if you need to have a sinus infection fixed in a flash, go to your eye doctor!!

Today I woke up, still with a headache, but was ready to enjoy some beautiful Tennessee Spring weather!  I am so glad that it’s Spring and am ready for some flowers!!  The family set out for town to buy some, but we were so frustrated with the traffic and that everyone else was doing the same thing we were, that we didn’t do much shopping.  I did however manage to score a pedicure and a manicure, 2 ferns to hang on the porch and a pressure washer, so it was not a total bust!

Oh well, that about covers my Good Friday…what did y’all do?


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sara said...

sorry for your headache and sinus infection, but I am going to have to remember that and head to my eye doctor next time!!!

btw, I got the starbucks came while I was on vacation!! Thanks so much!!!

Mary said...

Wow...the eye doctor! Who would've thunk it? :D
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