Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend Randon Happenings

Sorry y'all it's been a while since I blogged last, but you all know how it gets busy!

It has been absolute beautiful weather this weekend in Tennessee, YAY, and I do not want it to end, but I am sure it will!

Yesterday morning we hung out at home and talked about a three year plan and what that entails for our family and where we wanted to be in three years. I think we have a good handle on what we want, so this week we are getting an estimate on expanding our house, just a little. Of course after we add on a room, we will have to install new flooring to match, so that is extra, and of course there is always new furniture involved in any new room addition and not just for the room in question, but for the adjoining rooms too!

After we dreamed for a little bit and made a phone call to get the ball rolling for the carpenter to come and look, hubby was off to work, and me and the boys headed out for a cookout! Yummy burgers and all the fixin's at our family's house, and of course a few games of YaYa and also we played around with trying to put a puzzle together! Did not get to far with the puzzle, but had fun messing with it anyways!

So today, enjoying our last day of beautiful weather, I am inside, of course blogging, washing clothes, cleaning the kitchen and getting ready to gear up for another busy week. At least it's pretty outside (while I am stuck inside) and the windows are opened, even thought the wind is a bit chilly, it's still beautiful!!

Well as I was typing my boring weekend review, Higgin's just pranced in, covered in horse poo AGAIN, so there is another chore added to my list...UGGHH!! That spoiled dog better be glad I Luvie Duvie him so much or he would be pound bound!! Nah, I am too big of a softie for that!

Have a great rest of your weekend!


2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Oh that Higgins. He is a fav of mine. Such a beautiful picture of your lovely weekend. Can't imagine how springlike it is where you are.

Darla said...

how far are you from Nashville? i will be going there in April! i can't wait, i've never been and Always wanted to...and hope there is beautiful weather then. :D

Kelly said...

Hey Patrice! You are #3 in my pay it forward. So you can email your address and I'll be sending you a "surprise."

chattykelly (at) comcast (dot) net
is my email address