Thursday, February 12, 2009


I am laughing at myself, because I am so stinking not the perfectionist and trying to make something that's so pretty and cute & trying to make anything that has those two words in it should be my first and only clue NOT TO MAKE IT!!

I thought since I had so many comments on these......

That I would make them and document the whole process for you so you could make them! Well, what a disaster! I come home all excited from the trip to the grocery store, and for those that know me....I hate shopping! That aside, the WOW-mart experience only caused a mild headache instead of the usual migraine that I often experience when I darken their doorstep. I loath that place!

I walk in, drop the bags, all excited to get started on making my culinary masterpiece and the lights were out! We had terrible storms roll through yesterday, so no lights. Not deterred, I went ahead and got out all the ingredients and was ready for the lights to come back on. They did, and so I start.

Cake is in the oven, great, I am mildly excited about the minutes ticking away, when the cake would be done and I could start. The timer goes off, and I get the cake out, a little giddy, well because I am insane!

Our lights go back out! UGH! I am a little irritated, well because, that is just irritating. No bother, the cake needs to cool, and I do not need to rush the process anymore than I am trying to rush it, so I wait, and wait and wait and wait. 30 minutes turn into an hour, an hour turns into two. I am really grumpy!

Plan two, Candlelight! I have the kids round up candles through-out the house, and I break out a bag of tea light candles and off to lighting them we go. It does not produce the amount of light I want, but it's enough to get the cake balls rolled. So that I did and into the freezer they go to cool.

Lights are still not on, and now I am getting really mad, because in 45 minutes American Idol comes on and after that LOST, so I am getting a little panic stricken by this point.

6:27 pm the lights come back on, and I yell, THEY'RE ALIVE and again, I get all excited because, partly I am still insane, and here is where the real creative part kicks in. I start melting the chocolate and putting the lollipop sticks in to the cake balls and all is well.

It's time to dip the balls into the chocolate, and this is a little difficult, but I am managing. It is also really messy, which at this time the picture taking comes to an end, because I have chocolate all over the place! I get all the balls dipped and put through the holes of the drying rack, all I have to do is lift them off and apply the pink icing, sprinkles and M&M's when they are dried. Easy enough.......NOT!

I have my white chocolate all melted and tinted the prettiest color pink and I am ready to get busy!! I go to pull off the first lollipop and I crush it. Note to self, do not grab the top part!

The second one I take the stick to push it through the top of the drying rack and the stick goes through it. Okay, so do not panic, I tell myself as I am yelling for Hubby to come help me. We finally get one up without destroying it and I go to dip it into the pretty melted pink icing and it melts the chocolate and the chocolate proceeds to mix with the pretty pink icing making an ugly mess! Okay, this is not going as planned.

At this point I will spare you, I am so aggravated and not pleased with myself. Did I mention that I was also making these for a friend that we are surprising tonight for her birthday?

Hubby, suggested that I take the stick out and make them into BON BON's, but you should of seen them. They looked like they had been through a war and back! I am not a happy camper!

So of course there are no pictures to document this fiasco at the end, and the ones before are pointless to show now, so you will have to take my word for it.

The upside of this learning experience......I will never try to be creative again in the kitchen/cooking arena and the kids& Hubby are loving all the lollipops cupcakes rejects, which were about 45 of them. They will be running laps around the house with all their sugar shock, oh my!


Greg C said...

Haha, I can see myself getting aggrivated like this. I sometimes start projects like that and when things go wrong my wife gets upset because I get upset. She says: It's a darn cake why are you upset? Well because I am a perfectionist.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Umm why didn't you get April to make a batch for you and take the credit..Hello:) Just teasing. Brad would have kicked me out of the kitchen and taken over the project. I am in no way creative and too much of a hot head when it does not go my way.

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

It's weird because sometimes it seems like the universe conspires against beautiful treats. Other times, not a problem. I think the lights out should have been a sign! I'm sure they tasted great.

Jeanette said...

Patrice girl - you can come to my kitchen and "test" all you want!! They sound good even though they didn't turn out :} I would have given up with the lights went out!

Darla said...

sounds all too familiar...i always end up with a not so good experience in the kitchen when it comes to cute stuff!

Anonymous said...

Booooo! No pictures? Not even one of the mess? Come on, you're hiding them! ;)

Melissa's Thoughts said...

I feel your pain. I just had to document my bon bons. :)

Greg C said...

Happy Valentine's Day BFF!!!