Friday, February 20, 2009

Have To Do The Meme!

It's going around y'all! The 5 Things Meme! Of course I can not be left out, so here we go!!!

5 Things

5 Things I found in my bag:
  1. Camera
  2. Cell Phone
  3. Gum
  4. Make Up
  5. Wallet

This could go on for days, glad we stopped at five!!

5 Things I found in my Wallet:

  1. Receipts
  2. Debt Card
  3. Moth's (dang things ate my money!!)
  4. Insurance Cards
  5. Receipts
5 Things I found in my room:
  1. Clothes
  2. Lamps
  3. Flowers
  4. Higgin's Treats
  5. Alarm Clock

5 Things I want to do:

  1. Lose Weight
  2. Go On A Vacation
  3. Write a Book, or at least finish writing one!
  4. Decorate My House with all new things
  5. Be debt free!!

5 Things I am currently into:

  1. Blogging (like everyone else!)
  2. Reading
  3. Cats
  4. Exploring Mission Field Ideas
  5. Of course HIGGIN'S!!!!!

Okay, that was fun, now I don't feel left out anymore!!!


Kelly said...

I did my 5 things list today too!

And I went to the post office today and mailed your "pay it forward" gift. So be looking for it in the next few days.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Debt Card-- I am laughing, did you mean debit card or was that intended:)

Moth's (dang things ate my money!!) - that is what keeps happening to my money. Is there some sort of spray you can put in your purse to get rid of them ahahahaha:)

Annette said...

Love the new layout...