Monday, February 2, 2009

Weekend Fun

Sorry, but as of right now I have no photos or video's but should have some tomorrow, so until then I will tell you what I did and then torture you later with a video! Lucky you!

This weekend our ladies went on a Ladies re'Treat" to Henry Horton State Park, here in Tennessee and the retreat was called, "The Role of a Lifetime" and we were asked the question of "Is you life worthy of a heavenly Oscar?" Of course the retreat was centered around a Hollywood theme.

Well, at first I was not going to go, and had every "good" excuse to back up my reason, from it being Bradley's birthday to I'm so tired and need to rest! But of course these women took no for an answer. So how do you punish the ministry assistant that pussy-footed around until the last minute? You put her in charge of coming up with two games and make her sing and dance!

The game part not that hard, but singing and dancing??? You have got to be kidding me. First, I have big enough shoulders to admit, that when I sing, coyotes in a two mile radius, drop dead...seriously! Secondly, I am like a slug, I hardly move, and they want me to dance??

(Note to self, practice saying these words, "NO" & "LET ME PRAY ABOUT IT")

Anyhoo, I did it, and it was so much fun! Not only did I sing, I danced and I was filmed doing it!! So as soon as I get the video, I will show you, just because if I had to do it, well I want more than the 75 women there to suffer and watch it!!

So what did I sing and dance to?? Have you seen the movie Mamma Mia? Me either, but we sang "Dancing Queen", by the Abba Sisters! Totally a riot and it was fun too!

So what happens to the girl that does not sing or dance? Well Sunday Afternoon, I had to take a 3 hour nap to recover from my debut (and screaming fans) and then I went to bed around 8:30 that night! It totally worn me out!! Hopefully all that singing and dancing helped me with my failing diet, I doubt it though!

So until tomorrow, rest up, because I will have video's!!


Melissa's Thoughts said...

You go girl ~ your moves were skillfully executed. :) Loved the hairdo.

Greg C said...

I will be waiting with baited breath for your Blogging acting debut. A star is born.