I almost pulled out the soap box for this one, but really it more like a 'The Twilight Zone" kinda of thing!
This week has been an extremely busy week, and I am running from here to there and back yonder. I am really tired y'all! Yesterday was no exception and Hubby had a procedure in Nashville, for his back....not an MRI, but something that I just lost the word for, involves dye and needles and pictures.....still I can't get the name to come up. Anyways, that's not important!
On the way to Nashville we talked about plane crashes and death, and as y'all know I am terrified of flying and yet again, I will drag my big butt on a plane this summer to fly for our mission trip! My main topic of conversation yesterday was of the recent plane crashes and how I dreaded getting back on one and the great possibility of dying while on it! Hubby talked about how we could die driving down the road, right now on the interstate. We could die sitting in our house, or be gunned down in a restaurant. Trust me it was a morbid conversation, and really did not diminish my fear of flying in the least!
After his procedure, we were heading home. Quite a trek from Nashville to our home in Woodbury and after we got past the heart of Nashville rush hour, the roads were really light considering. We decided that once we hit Murfreesboro that we would stop at IHOP for some supper, because we did not eat lunch and we were S-T-A-R-V-I-N-G!!
(I'm Getting to the point here really!)
We pulled off the interstate on a really busy road, Old Fort Parkway, and there was no traffic. This road is usually a parking lot. I told Hubby, wow, this is like The Twilight Zone, there is no traffic! We went a little more, and no cars. Strange, and again I keep talking about us entering into the twilight zone! We past Target, and there were only a handful of cars in the parking lot, and again, I am making the do do do do do sound, we are in the twilight zone! Glory be, we turn into the parking lot of the IHOP and there are only a very few cars and again, I am going insane.
Walked into the restaurant and we are in there only with two other groups, a mom and a young son, and another mom with two kids. I am just loving this.......trust me! So of course, I continue on about he twilight zone and Hubby is about to murder me, because he is, I am sure tired of hearing about it!
We order of food, and quickly are served our food, and we bless it and dig in!
Here is where I know we were in "THE TWILIGHT ZONE!!" A couple enters in with a baby, maybe this baby girl is a year and half old. They sit and they look strange in my opinion, but hey, I am looking at things in a whole new light right now! Another couple comes in and walks to this couple, they sit down, and then the fight erupts! They are screaming and cussing and the lady with the baby yells for some to call 911, and I am replaying the conversation that Hubby and I had on the way to Nashville, ya know the one where is says, and I quote, "We could get gunned down in a restaurant"!!!!!! Yep, I counting the minutes of my life now!
Granted, the Twilight Zone works like this.......everything is going so well, that it can't be real, and them BAM! You are in The Twilight Zone!!!
Of course my first thought was to get Joey to duck, and then as it got more heated I told him to lay down in the booth, and I was getting ready to get him to hit the floor before the bullets started flying, but thankfully the group ran outside and as quick as light, three cop cars come in and they take over! Hallelujah!
This group was fighting over that poor little baby, and the guy that walked in after the first couple was there wanting that baby girl and the mom did not want to give her to him because he was just let out of jail and on drugs and in my mind, I just knew that they had guns and life as we knew it was getting ready to end!! Just plain sad!
Now granted this is the same IHOP that we went to not that long ago after church and two moms got into a fist fight over a little league game with their kids there to watch it! There is something about us and IHOP's, I really think we should steer clear!!
Okay, guys, we can now leave THE TWILIGHT ZONE, DO DO DO DO DO DO!!