Tuesday, November 8, 2011

What Memories Are Made Of


The  event of the year…or at least in my teenagers eyes!  It was the midnight release of a new video game, Modern Warfare 3 and with pure excitement the line started early in the evening for the ones that preordered and prepaid for this new game!


Here is Game Stop where the game would be available at 12:01 am on 11/8/11.


Here are DJ & Joey waiting in line.  We were a couple of stores down from game stop waiting in front of the Dollar Tree!  Prime location!

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The shopping center is set up in a L shape…after the Dollar Store there is a Laundry Mat and then it makes a turn.  There are a few other stores then two restaurants.  After that you have a little bit of an open area, a liquor store and then the road.  As the night wore on and closer to midnight we got, the line grew!  It’s hard to tell by this picture, but the line is nearing the liquor store by midnight….INSANE!

IMG_5578 At Midnight cheers erupted and the line started moving!  I am thinking of calling GameStop to tell them they did a  great job, because the line moved so quickly that we had our game in hand by 5 minutes after midnight!!  I was laughing so hard because no one waited around…as soon as they had their game, they peeled out of the parking lot for a quick retreat home to start the all night battle!

This morning I was woken up by gun shots and explosions.  The battle started in our household around 12:30am last night and is still going strong.  They did take a quick break for some homemade bread I made this morning, but are back at it!!

Today, I am thankful for the little things in life, like a standing in line with your kids at midnight, waiting for one of the highly anticipated events in Xbox’s gaming world…MW3!


Anonymous said...

You are such a good mom! :o)

I'm thankful my kids have never been into video games - so no standing in lines for us. They are, however, into the real life simulated war games - airsofting out in the woods with their friends.

Aloha Acres said...

Ok, you are SO "Mom of the Year!" My boys are anxiously awaiting the weekend when they hope to have raised enough money for that very game. Boys are fun, aren't they?

Leah said...

You should get a prize for joining them in the middle of the night, outside, when it's dark and cold. I'm sure I had been sleeping for at least two hours by then! :)

Unknown said...

Funny. I can't wait to do things like this with my boys. But I'm in no hurry for them to grow up that fast, by all means! :)