Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Banquet Of The Tables

Each year our church hold a women's banquet where 57 tables are decorated in different themes.  Each and every year, this event is sold out…so it is kind of a big deal!  I have decorated a table each year and I have so much fun!!  This year I wanted to go with a “Sophisticated Redneck” theme, but everyone said that it was more woodland country….nah, I’ll stick with sophisticated redneck!  HA!

Here is a picture of my table….

 IMG_5612 IMG_5613 IMG_5614  IMG_5616 

I got alot of inspiration from Pintrest for my table and also used many things I had around the house!  I cut up Levi jeans to hold the silverware and used bandanas for napkins.  I also used mason jars that I glued to glass candle sticks for fancy smancy drink ware!!  But I think my favorite things of the table were my barn mice, the reclaimed barn wood used for chargers and the floral moss!  I think it really made my table!! 

I was very pleased with how it turned out and the ladies at my table seemed to love it as well!

Our speaker this year was Tammie Head and she was A-mazing!  If you have not had the opportunity to hear her speak or do her Bible study, I would encourage you to do so!

Here are a few of the many beautiful tables decorated this year…

I am very thankful for my church and this wonderful ministry that they do each and every year!  It takes many, very talented women to pull this off and I am thankful for the hard work and many hours that make this event so special!


Stacey said...

Love your table!!! You did an A-mazing job!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great idea for the jean pockets. I cut up all my old jeans to make quilts and save the pockets. I have a whole collection of pockets which my youngest will use to make a purse now and then.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Gorgeous tables. Yours was super cute. I saw glasses like that the other day at hallmark. Love them.