Friday, November 4, 2011

Washing Of The Clothes

There is a battle that brews at my house, it’s an epic battle.

The battle of the dirty laundry and who shall wash them.

This is what I feel should happen….


This is what my husband feels should happen…


In a perfect world, this is the ideal picture….

But in our world this is more what happens…

or more appropriate, the one with the last pair of clean underwear usually gets desperate enough and starts the laundry…or my husband guilt's me into doing it.

The reasons I think my husband should do the laundry….

  • he does a superior job at it
  • all laundry is done in a timely fashion
  • it gets folded and put up while still warm from the dryer

The reasons he feels I should do the laundry are…

  • I don’t work and it should be my job.  Even though I stink at doing it and it takes me days to finish what takes him a few hours and it never makes it in drawers or the closet….but it if does, it’s wrinkled because it sat in a basket or on the couch in our room for days on end…..and because I type run-on sentences.

I clearly think I have the better reasons.

Yes, I am a failure at laundry.  BUT, I today am doing it because I am an awesome wife and I am low on underwear.  So I thought I would share with you photos of my almost done laundry!!!!  About three loads left to do….until the boys bring down tons of it they accidently left upstairs…..grrr.


Also, since it’s November and I am thankful for lots in my life, today I am thankful for my washer and dryer!!  Because if I did not have this….


I could be washing clothes like this….


Anonymous said...

Ha! I often laugh at myself when I think about my dislike for doing laundry. It's really one of the easiest chores I have and yet I hate doing it. But I'm the only one around here who does it 'right' and so it falls to me to get it done..... if I want it done 'right'.

happyone said...

I actually like washing clothes and i LOVE hanging them up outside to dry. I RARELY use my dryer.

Stacey said...

Well, I stink at laundry too :/. I hate doing it....I let it pile up until we have no underwear too :)....I usually leave it in the dryer and washer for 2 days...which results in re-washing the load in the washer because they have now soured!!! Then I fold then and stack them as high as I can on top of the dryer and hang them up in the laundry room! The WORST part is putting them away!!!!! I DESPISE it!!! Why??? Because there is no room in the drawers or closet!!!! :)) oh and I HATE matching up Jeremy's I don't do

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I am thankful for mine too, but I just wish it would fold itself ;)