Monday, November 21, 2011

A Letter To My Mother-In-Law

Today I am thankful for my mother-in-law! 


The best way to tell you why I am so thankful for her, is in a letter to her…

Dear Mom,

Many years ago you gave birth to a wonderful little bundle of joy, you named him Jeremy.  I can imagine when you first held him in your arms the overflowing of emotions that you had looking down at a beautiful little life that was just born.  I know that feeling.

You raised this little boy up in love, in a family that he shared with a brother and two sisters and two loving parents.  I can only imagine the energy that flowed through your house raising four kids!!  Have I ever told you I think you are super woman for raising four kids??  If I have not told you, well I am telling you now, you are super woman!  HA! 

I wanted to tell you thank you.  Thank you for a being the kind of mom that her children still run to when they need too.  You are there for you babies (now grown adults) when they are sick, for celebrations or even when there is no need at all, they just want you there. 

Thank you for showing me love.  There were times when you have shown me more love than I deserve.  You have been there to keep me calm in some not calm moments!   You run to my aid when my procrastination gets the best of me and help me pack crazy amounts of women ministry bags  (in crazy amounts of suit cases not big enough) for my mission trips in the wee hours before leaving!!  Thank you for being there for me to take care of my boys and your son when I leave the country for said mission trips.  I always get so nervous to leave, but when you show up, I feel the biggest relief knowing that they will be well taken care of!

There is no way I can ever thank you enough for your son.  You raised him to love me with all that he has, because he is loved with unconditional love from a wonderful mother.

Thanks mom!  I love you!