Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I woke up this morning in the wee hours to the pounding of rain outside.  I really love these kind of days, but today, not much is making me happy.  Maybe I am overly tired from a busy day yesterday or just plain bummed out and can not seem to locate the joy in the simple things.  I have been struggling and this time I am not seeing the end in sight.  I am a little embarrassed to admit that because my life is such a blessing and I have those in my life that really love and support me, but it is the ones that do not that make days like this hard.  Shame on me.

I need to focus on the happy and the small things that make me smile.  For example, my son shot the first deer of the season, so yesterday we spent the day cutting it up and getting it into the freezer.  One of the most favorite parts of deer season is the making of deer jerky.  This morning not only were we awoken to the pounding rain, but to the smell of dehydrating jerky!  We are like kids that keep getting our hands caught in the candy jar, because each time one of us walks into the kitchen we are sneaking some…and it is quite yummy! 

So today I am thankful for the deer that my son shot.  For the time we spent together getting it ready for the freezer and for the silly giggles of sneaking jerky and getting caught.  These are the things that make the blah’s bearable.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your deer! I hope to have some in my freezer after our hunting trip next week.

Hope the blahs you are having go away with the rainy weather.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Poor Deer :*( Love you xoxoxo