Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Words For The Day

I can be changed by what happens to me, by what is said to me and by the way I am treated by others, but I refused to be reduced by it.

The hardest thing in my life is being rejected and hurt by the ones I love, but I am getting stronger each time I am hurt. Go me!

The only way for me to make it through some days lately is to quote my new favorite quote…

“You are kind, you are smart, you are important!” 

–The Help


Robin Lambright said...

Great movie and even greater sentiment!

One of the hardest tings to learn as we grow into our adulthood is that there are time when the pain of a situation serves to move us to a different place, a place of revelation. Most of my precious lessons have come from my most difficult or painful experiences. It's hard to think about what would happen if you had the opportunity to trade a painful situation for a pleasant one. What would happen to all the blessing that came from what you leaned during that time in the desert!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Yes you are ;) It will get better.