Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Woe Is Us & Lucky # 7

We have been having a run of bad luck with my Jeep.  It has been acting up for about 10 months or so…A long time, needless to say.  My Jeep has spitted and sputtered, hiccupped and conked out on for so long that we are baffled on what it might be. 

The youngest is always researching on the internet on what the possible problems can be and the hubby and middle son have replaced just about everything under the hood.  We have taken it to “professionals” and had diagnostic tests ran and possible solutions throw out there, and actually have had the “professionals” replace a few parts…nothing.

Then, two weeks ago, the catalectic converter was taken off and guess what??  The Jeep ran for the first time without any hiccups!  A miracle…until today.  Hubby called and was stranded on the side of the road.  So me and our resident mechanics (middle and youngest son) headed out, me in my truck and middle son in his, to rescue poor dear old dad.  The thought was we would get to Jeremy, give him the truck that ran so he could go on to work, then we would try to get the Jeep running and if not, we would just leave it there, or tow it home with Bradley’s truck. 

Well the Jeep was running again and I was able to drive it on home, so away I went with the youngest, while the middle son ran errands.  I finally pulled into the drive way and get a call…Bradley’s truck blew a tire…OH MY WORD.  He did not have a jack or the tools in his truck to change it….so you guessed it, I head back out with tools in tow, with the hiccupping Jeep to rescue another sick vehicle!   Did I mention that my tire was low as well??

Anyways, to make this incredibly long story shorter, we were on the side of the road way more than any family should be.  Our poor sons spare tire was flat as well, but had enough air for him to limp to the gas station to fill it up.  Good news….we are all home safe and sound, well almost…still waiting for hubby to get off of work.  The woes of owning  junk!  Oh well, could be much worse.  Anyways, it will be back to the drawing board to try to figure out the mystery aliment of our Jeep, wish us luck!

Okay, now for the photo challenge….

IMG_5252 Day 7-Fruit

and the picture from yesterday that mysteriously disappeared from my memory card…IMG_5249Day 6- From Low Angle


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I hope they get the jeep fixed today.

Poor Higgies looks terrified from so high up.