Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Childhood Memory

The fun thing about doing this 30 Day Photography Challenge is being able to be a kid again!  Today’s challenge is taking a picture of a childhood memory and when I read that I knew just exactly what I would take a picture of!!

IMG_5284 Day 10- A childhood memory

My grandfather gave me this cat when I was a child.  I do not remember how old I was, but I know I was young!  It was one of the first memories of a beloved toy that I have.

Kitty, came to me as a snow white, long haired, fluffy cat with a bell in her tail.  She quickly became a close companion that explored lots of place with me.  I remember toting her everywhere!

Kitty has a narrow back up by her head where my tiny hands would clutch her ever so tightly!! When I picked her up today, I innocently grabbed her in the same location as I did when I was a kid, and my hand felt so right! HA! Memories! 


Kitties beautiful, long, fluffy hair got a major re-do when she came home fifthly one day and my mom washed her.  When she came out of the dryer, her hair was just like it is in these pictures!  Kitty then had hair like mine, short and kinky!  HA!


Today, kitty was played with after so many years of just hanging out! See how much she is having in her photo shoot!! IMG_5282IMG_5283





For twenty years kitty has hung out at the head of my bed.  She does not get played with very often like she used to, but every once in a while I catch a glimpse of her and I smile.  It’s those little things in life that makes me happy and reminds me of the innocence of being a kid!



Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

awwww. I am surprised Higgins has not claimed her for his own ;)