Thursday, October 6, 2011

Pinchin’ Pennies

I love me some Febreze!! 

What I do not love is the HUGE price tag that comes along with it!  It is ridiculous!

So what is a girl to do that is obsessed with this smell good yumminess that I NEED to have??  Make it myself!  Yep!

I Googled how to do it and… It.  Was.  So.  Simple!

Here is what you need…


Your favorite fabric softener ($5.46)

H2O (free)

Mix 1 cup of fabric softener to 2 cups water.  Pour both ingredients right into a spray bottle (I used an old Febreze container, just peeled off the label) and shake.  That’s it! 

Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy!


It comes out costing about $.86 per bottle……WAY CHEAPER than the real stuff and it smells so wonderful!


Instead of writing Febreze on the bottle, I wrote, Pabreze!  My own creation!! HA!

Try it, you will not be disappointed and your check book will thank you!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

LOL that is awesome. I need some Jebreze ;)