Tuesday, July 20, 2010

They Call Me The Hummingbird Whisperer


On our porch there are two hummingbird feeders that are getting lots of use as of late.  These tiny little creatures can consume lots of hummingbird food, just sayin’!

Yesterday morning I went out before work to refill the feeders and while I was out there there were two little hummingbirds that were flying around me,  impatiently waiting for the feeders to be filled.  Demanding little boogers!

After I got done, I went and got my camera because I wanted to catch a few of these tiny birds on film.  I was standing there clicking away trying my best to get a picture because no matter how hard I tried, these little things are quick.  The funny thing is that my boys were inside laughing at me because there was a slew of humming birds flying around me and at one point I counted six and could not seem to get a picture of one of them. 

When I walked inside the boys called me the hummingbird whisperer…for some reason they thought it was funny, I think they are just jealous!!


Melissa's Thoughts said...

I love it.

Kate @ When Hello Means Goodbye said...

that is so cool! I love hummingbirds!

Rebecca said...

Love your blog...and the bird feeders....I'm sitting here looking out the windows of our homeschool room...and realizing how beatuiful it would be if we had some hanging from the window ledges. Thanks!

Ruth said...

Oh! How wonderful that your boys are learning about hummingbirds from you, the Hummingbird Whisperer.Ha! I'll bet they will remember this amusing day. Aren't hummingbirds fast.They can be difficult to photograph but they do love to be fed. This is true.

TJ said...

We have only one feeder. I would like more but I don't have much shade. There is always a "mean" one. They are nice to enjoy while the summer is here. They will be gone before we know it.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

LOL, We have them all over our bush on the side of the house.