Sunday, July 4, 2010

La Cumbre 2010

My flight made it in last night at 11pm and I was so happy to be home knowing that my hubby was meeting me at the airport with our youngest son so happy and full of joy to see me.  After dropping off the luggage for our group at church, we made our way to McDonald’s for something cold to drink.  All the way home we caught up about the prior week, oh how blessed I am to have such a loving and supporting husband and family that was so excited that one, I went where God was calling me, doing what God called me to do, and secondly I was home.  Upon walking in the door the first thing I saw was a dozen roses welcoming me.  This morning getting ready for church my in-laws called to welcoming me home and to see how the week went.  Again, I am so blessed  to have such a supporting family.

Coming home is so bitter  sweet and as I try to settle back into my privileged life, air conditioned home with electricity and a refrigerator and pantry full of food, Fresh, clean running water, hot water to bathe with and a closet full of clothing, clean clothing is a little overwhelming.  

I just left a community full of outcasts,  scratching out a living where women are forced into prostitution because they are desperate for any income so they can feed their children.

I am overwhelmed.  

Tonight as I sit here typing this post out I can not put into words yet of what God is revealing about this trip to me.  I want to share a few pictures from this week and tomorrow I will go into more detail of each.  Thanks for praying for me this week.  It was amazing seeing God work in so many ways.

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Jeanette said...

Welcome home Patrice! Can't wait to hear about your trip and the pictures make my heart ache...

Melissa's Thoughts said...

Welcome home. I'm so proud of the choices you have made in your life. You are a remarkable woman and I'm blessed to call you friend.

BARBIE said...

welcome home. Sometimes it takes getting away from all that we have to truly realize how blessed we are. Not that you ever took it for granted. After my trip to Honduras several years ago, my eyes were truly opened.

Laina said...

wow, glad you made it home safely. How wonderful of an opportunity to go over there. I've never been out of the country besides canada and mexico but I would imagine some places, such as this, would be a culture shock. Really puts some things into a different perspective.
I look forward to hearing more about your trip :)

Cindy Hunter said...

I am a blog hopper - I start at my blog and click the "next blog" button at the top. It is always interesting where blogger takes me. Sometimes hard to figure out why it though there was a similarity in mine and the next one, but today blogger hit it right on!

I too am a child of the King and learning to appreciate every blessing He has bestowed on my life. My family is working on raising our support so that we can reach Spain with the love of God, but before that happens my daughter and I will be in Honduras on a short term trip.

I pray that what you saw will forever be in your memory so that those around you not only see God's love through you but desire to reach the less fortunate also.

Thanks for having a public blog - you may never know who you touch by sharing.