Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Finally, More About Goats!!


God is good, He is amazing and His works are incredible so basically I could stop there but then what fun would that be??  My last goat post was here if you wanted to catch up, but so much has happened since then, that it just blows my mind!! 

When we left the DR we left the community with a list of goals that would need to be accomplished before we could move on.  It is so important that they take ownership of this project for it to be successful.  So we left them with the task of locating land for the project and to locate and identify forage that would be used to feed the goats. 

Before I go any further, let me explain Dominican time to you because their time is not like ours.  Here in America we rush with everything,  I think we are a hurry up and get-r-done kind of a nation!  In the Dominican their time is much slower.  If they say we are leaving at 8am, we would hurry up and be on the bus at 7:55am and then wait to finally leave at 8:30am.  So when we talk about time, their time table can be much slower than what we  would consider normal.

With that being said, when we left we did not know how long it would take them to be ready for their next set of goals.  We were really hoping that January would give them plenty of time to be ready for the “next” phase.  I am very please to say that last Monday I got a message from the pastor saying that they found land and were waiting for the next set of goals.  I WAS FLOORED!!  They moved so much more quickly that I ever thought they would.  Not only did they find land, but apparently there has been many meetings discussing the goat project.  Very encouraging.

So what does this mean?  What is this goat project all about??

This goat project will feed hungry children in their community.  Some of the  children that reside there that are being fed sugar water because there is nothing else for them.  Their hair has began to turn orange because they are not getting enough nutrients to sustain their hair color.

The leadership of this community know the great need and  the importance of having dairy goats and daily fresh milk that would provide the very thing that could literally mean life or death to some children.  Trust me, I am speechless when it comes to this.  I have found myself, more quiet and reserved, in awe of the magnitude of this project and the way it is coming together.  God is moving in a mighty way and I have a front row seat watching Him work.  It is so much more than I can explain in a few words on a blog on how big this is.  I guess that is one reason that I struggle with writing this post, because my words can not do this goat project justice. 

The biggest thing I can say right now, is God is good!  I will share more on this as the goat project moves forward and as it is now, could be changing daily.  I do appreciate your prayers more than I can express.  Right now, we wait and are ready to go back at a moments notice to get the goats in the community!


Mary said...

I have heard of the goat project, along with cows. It's a wonderful way to contribute!
Thanks for stopping by and visiting, and leaving a comment! For some reason, your e-mail didn't work for me to respond, so here it is: It was so funny to hear that someone else knows how to "work" their mom! I get a whole lot of teasing from my sisters! :D

Annette said...

YAY!! God is good!!! This is an awesome thing!!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

This is such a wonderful project :)

Maddog said...

Yes...Our God is an awesome God and thanks for providing some interesting insight the goat project.