Monday, November 2, 2009

Wood Floor, Halloween & Crash

Well we finally made a decision on the wood floor.  It was rough and trust me I took all y’alls advice to heart.  Friday we were back and forth on which color and when we finally made a decision, something or someone’s opinion would change our mind.

So what finally pushed us over the edge and made us choose a color?  Bradley went to keep our friends children for a couple of hours while they ran out and when Jeremy dropped him off and walked into their house, they had the same color in their living room.  He came by my office and told me that I would have to go over there and check it out because he thought I would love it.  So I did and I did love it so we called and ordered it right away before we changed our minds again!  So what color did we choose?  I know you are dying to to know….right?  We went with the light color, Natural Oak.  I can’t wait!  I am still a little nervous, but I think when it gets laid, it will be perfect!  Fingers crossed, it will be laid next week. 

So, you know how most people get excited about dressing their children up and taking them out trick or treating.  We are not the normal and usually do not get to excited about it.  Not this year!!  So what changed?  I found Higgins the cutest rooster costume!!  Yep, the dog went trick or treating with Joey!!  Here are some pictures of our evening.  I’ll have to say Higgins & Joey looked mighty cute and they both really enjoyed themselves!

SDC11558 SDC11539 SDC11540  SDC11542 SDC11544 SDC11548    SDC11552   

Higgins was worn slap out from his adventures so we all decided to crash in front of the TV for a little HGTV waiting for the teenagers to get home. 

For some reason, right around 11pm, I had the strangest feeling that something was wrong with one of my boys.  DJ was in Short Mountain at a friends house and Bradley was with another  friend in Nashville at a haunted house. 

I started praying that God would protect them and help them make right decisions in what ever situation they were in.  Within 2 minutes of praying, DJ called to say he was in a wreck.  It was really foggy and he didn’t see a stop sign and ran through it, then off the road and hit a tree.  Praise God that he was not hurt.  To that, all I can say is, God is good all the time and all the time God is good!  Praising Him and thanking Him for DJ not getting hurt!


sara said...

you are going to LOVE the natural oak. I miss mine from my previous house!!! It's gorgeous!

Unknown said...

Love the rooster.

Jeanette said...

Fun all the way around! So glad DJ is ok - how about the car??

Greg C said...

I saw that same costume at the market on another dog. I am so glad that no one was hurt in the accident.

Meredith said...

Who found the costume twice?! :) SO thankful for DJ and your instincts were right on. Thank GOD for his safety that you prayed for!