Monday, November 16, 2009

Hardware Floors…Day 1

Today is the day, the first of three days of the laying of our hardware floors.  Our life for the past couple of days has been turned upside down, because my Hubby moved all of our furniture out on Saturday to be able to rip the carpet up, so today all they had to do was get busy laying the floors.

I think we are way to attached to couches, chairs and everyday luxuries, like being able to get to your stove…go figure!  It has been an interesting few days to say the least!!  :o)  Anyhoo, this morning I had no problem waking up when the alarm went off because I knew the quicker I go up and moving the quicker I could get to work and back home to see the beautiful floors.

Here is what I saw…

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Uhhh, Honey what happened?  I was thinking that at the least maybe a couple of feet would be done…ya know more than a few inches…something I could at least put a foot or two on and feel the warm fuzziness of wood floors under my toes?

The installers air compressor went out, like died, where there was nothing else they could do but leave.  UGH!  So they will be back tomorrow.  As for now, we are still living with no furniture and not much access to the kitchen.  Oh well, it could be worse!

I think I will spend some quality time in prayer tonight for our friends that we helped and visited with, in the Dominican, that would be thrilled to live in a house with plywood floors.  I should not complain and be thankful that tomorrow is another day, another compressor and another day that I can pull through  a drive thru somewhere and pick food up for my family.


Robin Lambright said...

A day with out a working kitchen is a day that someone else cooks your dinner.

But I do understand the turmoil, we did a major kitchen re-do before we sold our old house and it was a nightmare while it was going on. I was so thankful to have it finished!

I know you will be so very happy when all the work is done!
