Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It Is Done…Almost!

Finally the big reveal of our hardware floors!  They finally got done with the living room floor and the bedroom floor…yay!  All I can say is I am so excited!  I promise that after this I will try to refrain from oohs and ahhs about the floors.  After having carpet all of our lives and dealing with boys and dogs and the constant cleaning up after them, it is such a nice change.  The only bothersome thing I can say about hardwood floors, is that you sweep or dust mop them and you can turn around and see more dust..ugh! 

The only thing left for the guys to install is our hall bath and some thresholds and we should be done. 

Here are the final pictures of the living room and bedroom.  Please excuse the mess in my bedroom, but I am packing for our trip tomorrow.  I also forgot to take a picture of the stairs, but I am sure you are tired of the wood floors already and are thrilled I forgot to take a picture!  Ha!

SDC11636 SDC11637 SDC11638 SDC11639

SDC11640 SDC11641 SDC11642   SDC11645 SDC11647

Maggie’s favorite place to sit…the toy basket!  I guess it’s fitting for a toy Pomeranian to sit in a toy basket!!



Jill said...

They look so great, Patrice! Please tell me you have a swiffer wet jet!

Jeanette said...

Love love love the floors! I vacuum my floors with a hardwood setting (so the brushes don't scratch the floor) and I bought a steamer instead of mopping. The good ones don't leave your floors wet and they look great!

Have fun on your trip!!

Meredith said...


Anonymous said...

Love the floors! I want to see a pic of the stairs...lol
I agree about the dust problem! I have it too but my floors are dark so be glad you don't have that problem as well.
