Sunday, November 15, 2009

A Hodge Podge Of Everything

Wow, where to begin.  There is much to say, much to do and as always not enough time to get it all done.  I have not blogged much lately, but I stalk y’alls blogs often, just do not have time to comment.   I know…that’s bad, just stating the obvious!

First, if you do not follow my cousin April’s blog….I am a new cousin!  She and her husband, Brandon are bringing Harrison home from Taiwan this Thursday and I am just so excited!

Each year our church celebrates an annual Banquet of Tables, so I have been very busy last week getting ready for it.  My friend Pam and I did our table on a laundry theme, “Wrinkle Free Women” and we based our table on the verse Romans 6:4, “…Even so we also should walk in the newness of life.”  One of the guest that were in attendance was Ginny Owens…y’all, she was awesome!  Here are some pictures…


A not so good picture of Ginny Owens.

SDC11579   SDC11591  SDC11596

So that was last week and last night, which leads us to another very busy week.  Our wood floors are being installed tomorrow and our house is in (putting it nice) totally chaos.  We have our living room furniture in the kitchen, along with some of our bedroom furniture.  We have nightstand tables in the master bathroom and it is just total mayhem at our house.  It will be worth it, but right now,  it is craziness.

To top off the craziness of the week, Bradley is having surgery on Tuesday to have the hardware removed my his collarbone, from last years injury. 

Wow, lots going on!!  So that's the hodge podge of my life the past few weeks and this week to come!  Hopefully after the next few days and after we get our house in order, I will have time to breath and hopefully relax as the Thanksgiving and Christmas season explodes around us!  Wishful thinking!!


Meredith said...

I was SO lucky to be at your table!!! IT LOOKED SO GOOD!!! The people were the best!! Luvie my boss!