Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Am On My Way!!

Right now, well at the time of this posting, I am on my way to the Dominican Republic along with 23 other members from my church!  I can not believe that this is my third year going. 

This year we will be embarking on a new ministry in the village of La Cumbre and if you have followed my blog you’ll know that we are so excited to be beginning a Goat Ministry where they can have fresh milk for their children.  We will also be working on the second story of the church that was began a few years before, four different children Bible times with crafts and dramas and working with the women of this community teaching them embroidery.

Please be in prayer  for our group this next week.  I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us this week and for these sweet people that we will be ministering to.  I can’t wait to share with you about our  trip when I get back!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who Reads Your Blog

Hmm, I ran across this today and it really sparked something in me. This is about an ex-wife who reads her ex-husbands blog, left comments which ultimately ended up with him deleting his blog…you can read about it here.

There are so many out there that are so critical of bloggers and think it’s completely insane that there are some that put their life out there for display. Others love to have a glimpse into someone’s life that might be going through the same phase or situation they are going through and they can relate or learn through their experiences. Blogs are endless, some are personal, others are not, some have to do with families others deal with businesses, some are out their for the pure entertainment of others and then there are very the serious blogs.

When I started my blog, I really never thought about who would read it, or did I care who read it. Really I feel the same now, but things are different now, than when I started my blog. Now I am not in certain relationships or the run the in the same circles with people or family when I started my blog. I do sometimes hold back on what I really want to say and other times I could care less who knows what is going on in my life. I ultimately control the content of my blog, therefore if I do not want someone to know about a certain part of my life, I do not write it.

I do find it interesting that those that care to have nothing to do with me, always know what is going on with us, so that has to be through my blog or someone telling them what we’re doing, but then again…I put it out there for the world to read or know, so honestly if they need to know by all means read it.

So what about you…how do you feel about who reads your blog.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

What Life Is About Lately


Yep, this about sums it up! It has been a crazy last couple of months!!

It seems like with each step, we get past a big event then start gearing up for the next. Along the way there has been a few hiccups thrown in and we compensate for those and then keep on trucking.

Right now the big stress factor is getting ready for my mission trip. Each year there is always something that happens before or on the trip that seems to make life a little challenging, or rather really challenging. This year has been no exception. My new found food allergies is making the planning and packing part of this years trip exciting. Since most of the food we eat on the trip consist of food I can not eat is making for lots of forethought and pre-planning on food that I can take with me.

Then hubby starting having lots of pain around graduation and I made him make a doctor appointment last week because I thought it might be his gallbladder dying on him. Well it is his gallbladder, but it seems to be over working instead of dying and there is sludge in it with possible stones lurking about. So he will have surgery on Monday to have it removed. I am a little stressed because I leave in the wee hours Friday night/Saturday morning for my trip and am praying for no complications.

If we can get past this, the last big event this year will be getting DJ off and settled in college. I think that will be more of an emotional thing more than anything else, well depending on who you ask at our home. Some are looking forward to a room that is coming available and another is going crazy at the money aspect and how college reeks havoc on the budget and then there is one that is not looking forward to having a family of four under the roof rather than five. I am sure that you can figure out between those who is who! HA!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


If toes make you queasy, don't look any further because for some, this will be too much to handle.

Now, I am not one who goes around poking fun at other people’s feet, largely because I walk around barefooted more than most and would hate to hear one make fun of my feet.   I hate to wear shoes and usually the first thing I do when getting into my office in the morning is kick off my shoes.  I do however get made fun of being barefooted, but not because the way my feet look.

But there is always an exception to the rule and one day one of our ministers walked into my office with his shoes off.  Why he had his shoes off, I never got around to asking because I was floored at his toes.  I have never in my life seen a toe that was as long as my fingers.  Really…they are huge! 

Don’t believe me??  Take a look for yourself…

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Yes, I did take a picture…that may be more odd than the long toes themselves, but I am still in complete awe.  Hmm, now that I think about it, I am not sure if I am more shocked that his toes are so long or that he allowed me to snap a picture of them…

Monday, June 14, 2010

What’s Wrong With This?


Why was I so cold all night long?


Oh yea, that explains it, not only did hubby steal ALL the covers, but he stored the extra on his side of the bed!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Anaphylaxis Shock Is A Big Deal

Take a look at my new best friend.  Nice huh?  Not really, but when you eat something you should not or come into contact with something you shouldn’t, this thing is a big deal.

I have a latex allergy.  Never knew that food would contain latex, but latex is a natural rubber that is frequently cross-reactive to the proteins of foods, and they are very similar to that of latex.  With that being said, not only do I have to watch out for latex like gloves, balloons, band aids and such, but also I have to eliminate these foods from my diet:

Banana, apple, pear, mango, avocado, carrot, peach, rye, chestnut, celery, plum, wheat, papaya, cherry, grasses, kiwi, pineapple, ragweed, potato, strawberry, mugwort, tomato, fig, hazelnut, melons, grape, walnut, apricot, soybean, passion fruit, peanut, nectarine, cherimoya (whatever that is).

So what brought this about?  Well over the past year, some unknown to me and some I knew about, I start having reactions to certain types of food.  Nothing big, bumps on my tongue and such.  That started to escalate to my tongue swelling and throat hurting.  On Sunday, it happened twice, that was enough to get my attention.  Long story short, doctor visit, Epipen and long to and not to, do lists. 

I am at this new stage of life.  Not thrilled, but I might lose some weight through all of this and that is the ONLY plus.  No french fries and ketchup is the definite minus of all of this. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

God Is Awesome!

It has been a wild and long week and it’s only Tuesday!  Our church kicked off VBS Sunday night and after spending 12+ hours a day at church between work and VBS, I can say, it has been AWESOME!

Tonight was the night that the plan of Salvation was presented.  It’s as easy as ABC’s…

A-Admit that you are a sinner

B-Believe that Jesus is God’s Son and He died for your sins

C-Confess your faith in Jesus as your Savior and Lord

Several children asked Jesus in their hearts tonight and I had the privilege of being there to witness it!!  I tell you, it was AMAZING!

It makes the long hours and hard work of VBS so worth it!  I am thrilled to be a small part of this wonderful ministry and blessed to be a part of a church that loves children so much.  Our Children Ministry Director rocks with her love for the children that darken our doorsteps each week!!  I’m a little excited…can’t ya tell??

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Finally A Moment To Catch Up…

After a glorious Saturday to rest, I finally have a moment to catch up on my blog.  We were super busy last weekend with graduation and family in town and then at work, a very super busy week getting ready for VBS to start tomorrow that I have not had a moment to do anything else!

First, graduation was a huge success!!  DJ is graduated and now he is getting ready for college.  I can’t believe that I am old enough to have a son that has completed high school.  Geeze!  Here are some pictures of his big day !

100_3747100_3745SDC10168The proud graduate!

SDC10170Father and sons goofing off!

So what else is there to do with tons of family in?  Of course a weenie roast and s’mores!!  Here are a few pictures of the fun…

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Remember this post about Bradley making the ultimate high-tech weenie roasters?  Well he’s back in action with the ultimate fence post weenie roaster so you will not get too toasty roastin’ your  weenie!  This boy may make millions one day…here is the newest High-Tech Redneck Weenie Roaster…


We ended our  long weekend with saying goodbye to family.  So sad to see everyone leave…