Wednesday, June 16, 2010


If toes make you queasy, don't look any further because for some, this will be too much to handle.

Now, I am not one who goes around poking fun at other people’s feet, largely because I walk around barefooted more than most and would hate to hear one make fun of my feet.   I hate to wear shoes and usually the first thing I do when getting into my office in the morning is kick off my shoes.  I do however get made fun of being barefooted, but not because the way my feet look.

But there is always an exception to the rule and one day one of our ministers walked into my office with his shoes off.  Why he had his shoes off, I never got around to asking because I was floored at his toes.  I have never in my life seen a toe that was as long as my fingers.  Really…they are huge! 

Don’t believe me??  Take a look for yourself…

SDC10130 SDC10129

Yes, I did take a picture…that may be more odd than the long toes themselves, but I am still in complete awe.  Hmm, now that I think about it, I am not sure if I am more shocked that his toes are so long or that he allowed me to snap a picture of them…


Robin Lambright said...

WOW! He does have long toes.

Gotta love the ability to translate long toes into blog-fodder!



Melissa's Thoughts said...

Don't even tell us who it is because I'll sit in church wondering who the guy is with the long toes. Ha

Jeanette said...

I am just a gigglin'! You are SO funny :} Never would have thought to take pics of piggies!!

Too funny!

sara said...

did he know it was going on your blog? Hey, this might turn into a good sermon illustration!!!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

LOL, your a nut.