Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Who Reads Your Blog

Hmm, I ran across this today and it really sparked something in me. This is about an ex-wife who reads her ex-husbands blog, left comments which ultimately ended up with him deleting his blog…you can read about it here.

There are so many out there that are so critical of bloggers and think it’s completely insane that there are some that put their life out there for display. Others love to have a glimpse into someone’s life that might be going through the same phase or situation they are going through and they can relate or learn through their experiences. Blogs are endless, some are personal, others are not, some have to do with families others deal with businesses, some are out their for the pure entertainment of others and then there are very the serious blogs.

When I started my blog, I really never thought about who would read it, or did I care who read it. Really I feel the same now, but things are different now, than when I started my blog. Now I am not in certain relationships or the run the in the same circles with people or family when I started my blog. I do sometimes hold back on what I really want to say and other times I could care less who knows what is going on in my life. I ultimately control the content of my blog, therefore if I do not want someone to know about a certain part of my life, I do not write it.

I do find it interesting that those that care to have nothing to do with me, always know what is going on with us, so that has to be through my blog or someone telling them what we’re doing, but then again…I put it out there for the world to read or know, so honestly if they need to know by all means read it.

So what about you…how do you feel about who reads your blog.


The Taylor Bunch said...

My husband's exwife actually reads my blog. I know this because she once quoted something I put only on my blog. I don't mind who reads my blog. I like looking at other blogs about people's lives, their ideas and tips because I might be able to use them. Right now we are going through a tough time and the ex tends to be a pain and maybe getting a glimpse into what is going on here without having to communicate with my husband and him be offended, then let her read it. She did forward me a job lead last week. lol.

Penny said...

I'm a little private because I don't really want some people knowing more about my life than I tell them: ie students, coworkers, and some unmentionable family members, unfortunately. This is why I don't publicize my blog, why my real name is not on there, and why (minus the particular blog that's there now) I don't advertise really where we live. Other than them, though, I really couldn't give too much care, lol!

Paula said...

I don't think many people who know me in "real life" read my blog. That's because I haven't really put it out there. I'm not sure I'm confident enough to have them read it.
I told my grown son about it, he read one post and told me I was a big dork and needed to get a life. LOL.
I am always a little careful about what I say in my blog and in life in general. I'm married to an Army officer and I would never want to reflect badly on him.

Mary said...

I do feel like sometimes I have to hold back on some things I write since my in-laws and my husband read my blog. However, my husband said I could let loose.

Unknown said...

Sometimes I wish I could have more privacy options for my blog because I love to share my life with people but there are certain people out there that I would rather keep in the dark. I hate the thought of censoring myself though so I take the risk..

Lindsay said...

Great post! Really got me thinking. I don't usually care about who reads my blog. I think that I am able to look back a year ago and see what was going on in my life. It is like an online journal for me. What I do care about is the critical comments that I get from random readers who don't me and aren't regular readers. Rude comments are not accepted on my blog!

Laina said...

um, I don't really care who reads my blog. I think you are right, you sometimes have to be careful about what you say. It is your freedom to say what you want...personally I use it as a form of expression but I do hold back details of getting too personal. I see viewers of my blog as anonymous friends. I just want to feel like someone is listening. I hope maybe I help someone who is in a similar situation who can relate to what I'm saying. :)

BARBIE said...

When I first starting blogging, no one read my blog. That didn't bother me, because I knew the Lord was wanting me to write what He put on my heart. Slowly I began to gain followers and now people follow me who enjoy reading what I write. Hardly anyone in real life read my blog and that doesn't bother me. I have made so many wonderful friends and prayer partners through blogging.

I read many blogs of people I don't know (like yours) simple because I enjoy reading about their life, their love for the Lord, their hobbies, etc.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Sometimes it creeps me out and I feel like making the whole things private, but I love my blog friends so I never give into the fear of who is reading.

happyvalleygirl said...

I really don't care who reads it. I don't think that many people read it anyway.