Monday, June 14, 2010

What’s Wrong With This?


Why was I so cold all night long?


Oh yea, that explains it, not only did hubby steal ALL the covers, but he stored the extra on his side of the bed!


BARBIE said...

Ha ha, this happens to me all the time. On those nights when I come to bed after my husband, I find him rolled over, with his arm tightly tucked on the outside of the covers, with half of them on the floor, on his side. Then it becomes a war as to who can pull the most covers and tuck their arm tightly around them before the other one gets them. Sleep warm tonight!

Laina said...

my husband steals my covers during the night too, he is in denial of it though, he doesn't think he sleeps with covers...but he so does.

Robin Lambright said...

Too funny! At my house with the joys of peri-menopause, the hubs has a comforter folded in half on his side of the bed and I have the light weight sheet with the air cranked way down and the ceiling fan on high!


Jeanette said...

This makes me giggle! We share our covers equally but my hubby swears I am going to explode one night. Apparently I retain heat very well and drive my DH to throw his covers off midway through the night. An thus my evil plot is revealed (insert evil laugh here!)and I get the blankets all to myself!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

ahahahahaha, that is hilarious.