Friday, August 15, 2008

Look What Was Lurking In The Egg Hut

Each night while we feed up and milk the dairy goat, Bradley always gets my small bantam hen and puts her in the egg hut so that she does not get ate during the night, why she does not get in there on her own each night baffles us, maybe she likes the extra attention!

While I was in the Dominican, mysteriously eggs were disappearing. Macy, the chocolate lab was being shamelessly blamed for the crime, but look at the real culprit!!
Last night when Bradley went to put the hen up he almost set her on top of a 4 foot snake!! It scared the mess out of me! Bradley ran inside and grabbed the gun and shot it's head off, along with the back of the egg hut!

The snake actually had an egg in it's throat, but when Bradley shot it, the egg along with it's head left!!

So Macy, being the a good dog, took it well and forgave us for our bad judgement of her. I rewarded her well with fresh goat milk this morning! All is well!!

So one of the agenda's this weekend, a remodel of the egg hut!


Anonymous said...

I know Bradley was beside himself. Him and his redneck with a gun self... HeHe..
That's sooo funny!!! That snake looks pretty gross. YUCK!!!!


Anonymous said...

OMG, I would have freaked out! I'd never go back to the hut again. That would be someone else's job! I bet Bradley liked it though because he got to use a gun!!!!

Jeanette said...

My hubs may think it a bit extreme but I would have a For Sale sign in front of my house this morning! Belly craweling critters are not allowed anywhere near my house. I am sure mine would have been the scream heard around the world. Glad everyone is ok!!


Anonymous said...

UGHHHH!!!!! So I'm reading along about your weekend and finished the top post and happened to scroll down to see that darn snake! Ugh! I have chills! I absolutely hate snakes and spiders! Spiders are the worst but I've recently come across...well, probably a good 4 snakes since I've been visiting Middleburg lately. I can't handle it, I don't care if they eat bugs, kill the darn thing, it's ugly and slivers! YUCK! :)