Saturday, August 2, 2008

DJ's Driving!

It's official, DJ has his driving licences! He did great yesterday during his test, and the instructor said that we did a wonderful job teaching him! I will have to admit, I did not do a good job teaching him, because I never let him drive. Jeremy, Jeremy's parents and Jeremy's siblings did a great job teaching him to drive! When DJ was in Florida, he drove constantly and also drove manual cars. They live in the city, so he got tons of experience driving through traffic, where here it's all long distance country driving and back roads, so we are so thankful for those two weeks he had in Florida!!

He was so excited and I knew immediately when we walked in after histest that he did it, because of his smile! I wish I could of caught him with my camera, but Jeremy banned anymore pictures because it was not cool for a mom to be taking pictures! Ughh! Oh well, my thoughts on that is I earned the right to take pictures when I birthed them! Men!!

Here is one of DJ driving out of the parking lot with the instructor.

This one is after he got his licences. Jeremy and I sat in the back seat and let Joey sit up front with him!

Here is DJ leaving this morning. He is going to the lake with friends and this is the first official time that he is driving by himself! Sniff......


Jeanette said...

My oldest will be driving in a year. I am not sure we are ready for that but I know she is. Why do they want such independence?

Great job kiddo!

Jeanette said...

I left an award for you on my blog - swing in and pick it up!


Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo...... DJ is driving and I guess that means he is a man now. Congratulations Queeny... You now have a teenage driver in the family......What fun you are gonna have.

Love you bunches, Annette

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. How I remember the days... =]

Anonymous said...

OMG, he looks just like Jeremy and that's who I thought it was at first!
I hated driving with the niece's after they just got their DL's. I feel for ya

Love, Stacey