Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Couch To 5K & Pancakes In A Squirt Can

Today we began our couch to 5K and I will have to say it was a tad harder than I thought it would be!  I guess since they had the word “couch” in the title they would understand that couch is a big part of our life!  HA!  Really it was not that hard and I love the way it is breaking us in slowly.  We started with a 5 minute brisk walk, then ran for one minute than walked for 90 seconds.  We did that for a total of 8 rounds and ended with a 5 minute cool down.  The first minute of running was not bad at all, but the sixth, seventh and eighth minute really took all I had!  Tomorrow we rest and Thursday we hit it again!

I had the great idea of starting a diet on the first day of our couch to 5k, but hubby wanted to continue to eat the same for the first week and then work up to the dreaded diet.  So with that, we came home to a lunch of pancakes…..HAHAHA!  So have you seen this yet at the grocery store?


I spotted this at Publix this weekend in the creamer cooler and as I hollered at the hubby to check out my find, he just shook his head and kept walking.  I, however, could not pass it up…Batter Blaster, what fun and it’s organic!!  Hee hee!!  I had childhood visions of squirt cheese in a can and was giddy, cause this stuff  had to be good!

So I fired up the skillet, fried up some bacon and scrabbled some eggs!  (I did mention that Jeremy wanted to wait a week or so for the diet….?) (I almost crushed his skull in with my Batter Blaster can when we said, “this will be healthy”!) (MEN!)


Here is the squirt of pancake in action and below is the results…


We were not that impressed!  It might look fun, but really not that tasty and not worth the cost.  Oh well!  Higgins on the other hand loved it!  Look how cute he is sitting at the table, patiently waiting for his breakfast!  HA!



Unknown said...

My boyfriend and I saw that at Fresh & Easy the other day too, I wondered how it tastes! Good to know, so not getting it now haha

Unknown said...

Hmmm... not sure if I trust anything like that from a can. I'm a wierdo when it comes to my grub. On another note, I've really been craving some pancakes and every time I realize I have no mix and no flour to make my own mix. Hehe. I think I've just been craving it since I don't actually have the stuff. Now that I've read this post, though, I think I'll stop and get the stuff to make pancakes... for dinner. Hehehehehe.

sara said...

everything is better from scratch in my book! ha!

good for you on the couch to 5k!!!

Unknown said...

I mean't to ask... Is the 3rd plate for Higgins? Haha.

H-Mama said...

congrats on the couch to 5k. maybe you can inspire me? ;) higgins is too cute, waiting for pancakes. ha.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

Ha, Pancakes in a can. I saw it at Krogers and almost bought the boy a can. I'm so proud of you!!

Katie said...

Congratulations on the 5k. I totally agree about that batter stuff. We got some one time to try, and it was rather gross.

Of course, growing up and even as an adult, we have almost always made pancakes from scratch, so I guess I may be a little of a pancake snob ;)

Robin Lambright said...

Alas I feared it was too go to be true...pancakes in a can. You are truly a brave woman!

Not to mention my hero for attempting to run, the hubs and i go on the occasional walk but we lack consistence as well as diligence.

We need both!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I missed my couch to 5k yesterday but we walked around the fair for 5 hours so that has to count for something ;) I might make it up today.

I saw that pancake stuff and have passed it up several times. I am glad I did since it's not good.