Monday, March 28, 2011

Has It Been A Week?? New Adventures Beginning Tomorrow!

In the truck this morning driving around town, my husband and I, along with our teenager and three dogs, Jeremy asked if I was blogging much…and I replied, not that much lately.  Why?  Not sure, maybe laziness, because there is always something to share!  So here is what has been going on and what begins tomorrow for us!

This morning we had another showing on our home (that’s why we were driving around town with three dogs).  This is actually the second showing for these folks, so time will tell on what happens with this.  Our house has been shown more than I can count and we always have great feedback….the only negative is our road.  If I hear, “we love the house and would buy it but the road is a deal breaker” I might scream!  HA!

For those that have sold a house before, it is exhausting!  I HATE, with a passion the hoops you have to jump through.  I guess mainly living in a “always show ready” house is the biggest downfall.  I like clean, but geeze louise, can I just say, it’s not fun getting it to stay that way!  Also, it gets on my nerves if they cancel and do not tell you until later or when they run late…like today.  Pain in my big butt!  Oh well, what are we gonna do about it….but complain to each other and anyone else that will listen….HA!!!

So guess what I am getting ready to do???? 

IMG_2751 I drink way to many Sonic Cherry Cokes….waaaayyyy to many of them.  Like everyday…a big ‘ol Route 44, big, bad, sugary, caffeinated, not good for you…everyday, cherry coke!   Yep, that’s me, the one sitting in the back of “SA” Sonic Anonymous, denying with every ounce of me that I have a problem.

I have finally accepted that it needs to go.  See my cell phone next to it?  I downloaded the couch to 5k app last week. 

Me and the hubby were going to start the couch to 5k today and I announced proudly that yesterday was my last cherry coke.

Epic fail!  Morning showing, three dogs, and a teenager was all to much for me, so a Sonic run was mandatory this morning.  BUT, and I mean it, today is the last of the daily cherry sugar fest and tomorrow begins a new adventure! 

We are gonna do this, me and hubby are going to run a 5k and I am going to stop the daily drinking of cherry cokes!  I will prevail!  Tomorrow morning, we will began training for this thing and I will begin my morning with a decaf coffee!  I wonder who will kill who first, me or my hubby!  HA!  Wish us luck!

Has anyone else out there tried the couch to 5k?  If so, how did it go, or how is it working for you!  I would love details!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Decaf have you gone mad ;) I will have to check out that app. I started my walking routine again today and used a balance ball to do my back exercises. Jeremy should get one of those, they really take the stress off your back.

Unknown said...

I could NEVER give up my cherry cokes, have you gone mad? haha