Monday, March 21, 2011

A Girl In The House Make For An Interesting Day!


Check out this cutie patootie, curly hair, adorably good baby!  I had the honor of keeping Ada today for my cousin and possibly two more times this week, while her Mimi is in Florida!  I will have to say she is such a good baby and we enjoyed our day together! 

I will openly admit, if there was a video camera  secretly mounted in our home, that person needs to sell the footage…they will make millions from what would of been filmed today…I was pathetic!

A little background about me and my husband…We have three boys, three older boys, older as in one in college and two teenagers in the house…all BOYS.  It’s been a long time since we have changed a diaper.  Ada blessed us with a diaper that was unfit for a lady, just sayin’.  I started gagging upon opening said diaper and had to get my husband to help me.  He has never changed a little girls diaper either…y’all that have girls, God bless you.  This was one of the hardest things we have ever done.  There are creases and crevices everywhere!  OH MY WORD!   Thankfully this is the most laid back baby, and she just took it in stride! 

The rest of the day has pretty much been a breeze, well except for the projectile vomit that happened!  All in all, Ada thought it was the funniest thing and enjoyed being stripped while sitting in the middle of our kitchen island!  Again, I am way out of practice when it comes to keeping babies!  Higgins, was having a major heart attack because he could not see what I was doing (and he has been very jealous of Ms. Ada today), so I picked him up and plopped him on the island as well…it was much quieter than listening to him howl on the floor!   I just stopped and started laughing at myself as I looked at a naked baby girl and a chihuahua sitting in the middle of my kitchen island!  Funny, just plain funny I tell you!

I may stink in the diaper changing and vomit area of baby keeping, but I rocked it out in all the other areas of keeping Ada today, and will have to go as far as to brag that I am the bomb diggiety at making her laugh!

I have enjoyed my day with Ada and will say, I am not too sure how I managed three kids under the age of 5!!  HA!  Looking forward to mine and Ada’s next adventure!


Annette said...

Thank you so much for keeping our Butter Bean while we are away on a little "vacay".

Robin Lambright said...

Welcome to the world of sweetness that is "little girls."

It is a very big adjustment after not having one around for so long and then re-remembering how to maneuver such wonderful things like dirty diapers....yea!

I now have another definition of tired, there is normal tired after a long hard day then there is grandbaby tired! That's when you are so exhausted from a wonderful day chasing down a toddler all day long, but you loved it!

Enjoy your time with that precious little one.

Her little face just makes me smile!


Oh and Buster loves it when the granddaughter comes for a visit, whatever she eat he gets to have some too, it's a one for me one for you kinda thing all day long, Dog heaven!

Unknown said...

First of all, you spelled MeMe wrong! Hehe. Second of all, this post is too darn funny. And watch out for the blow outs. They usually come regularly with sweet little butter bean. Hehehe.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

She is so cute and that one pic of her and Higgies on FB shows his jealous streak ;)