Thursday, March 3, 2011

American Idol

I will be honest, I have not watched a full year of American Idol since Carrie Underwood.  Sad, I know, but it seemed to always conflict with something I was watching, and/or I just could not stand anyone on the show, including the judges.  I have always like Randy, but when I quit watching it, Paula and Simon were still judges and neither one of them did anything to make me to happy!!

This year, a brother and sister tried out from our church, Colton and Schlyer Dixon, so of course I was ready to watch to see what would happen.  It is so much more fun to watch when you have some one that you know, and be able to cheer them on!  Sadly they did not get much air time, but we did get to see clips of them here and there.  Schyler made it to the group round but was sent went home.  Colton made it all the way to the very last bit where they choose for the final 24.  Here he is (the one of the left), along with the other two guys.

As we all know, Brett made it through and Colton and Jacee were sent home.  Our family was sad, and tad mad, but Colton is such a talented young man that gives all the glory to our Lord for his talent!   So I can’t be too sad for him, because the Lord is going to use him in a mighty way…I’ll have to just be patience!!

Anyhoo, today he was on Ellen Degeneres show, so I wanted to share that clip with you!

Even though Colton is no longer on American Idol, I am still going to watch.  I have enjoyed Jennifer and Steven as judges and there is some really good singers!  

Do you watch American Idol?  Who is your early favorite??


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