Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Woe Is Me

If I was not so tired and felt better, I might throw myself a pity party.  But I am sick, I am tired and I don’t think I have the energy to clean up the mess when the party’s over.

Did I mention that I was sick?  Last Wednesday morning I woke up with a sore throat and by Wednesday afternoon I felt bad.  Yesterday I thought I was dying and today, I finally am feeling a little bit better.  I hate being sick and I have been battling this since January.  I felt so bad yesterday that I almost made a doctors appointment, but felt to bad to pick up the phone.  I hate going to the doctor more than being sick, which is so apparent, because I would have been over this in January if I went to the doctor!  I have given myself to Friday to being back at 100% or I am going in!  At least that is what I am saying today….

I did manage today to get up and going for a hair appointment that was much overdue.  I even managed to pop contacts in my eyes to look as presentable as I could.  So off I went in a wrinkled t-shirt and my best smile...trust me, it was the best I have looked all week!  HA!  I honestly looked like white trash, but hey, when I left the salon I did look much better with my new do!  I also think by the time she was done cutting my hair I was at least 10 pounds lighter!  Or, if you would listen to my hair dresser, she would say I was 10 pounds lighter from the eyebrow waxing!  HA!  I hate having them waxed and will put it off as long as I can! 

Just as I was getting ready to leave, my husband called the salon.  I thought this was strange, but hey, in my family stranger things happen!  Here’s our conversation:

Hubby:  Are you able to see?

Me: Uhmmm yes.  (I was having trouble but I thought it was because I was not feeling well.)

Hubby:  Are you sure?

Me:  Well I did wear my contacts today.  (I thought, he may of thought, I did not put them in when he saw my glasses on the bathroom counter)

Hubby:  You should not be able to see well, because you have my contacts in and not your. 

Me:  D’oh!

That explains why one of them was killing me and everything as a tad blurry!  I have officially lost my mind!

Woe is me…

Here’s hoping to a much better week!


sara said...

LOL!!!! I think you need to just go see the doctor!!!

BARBIE said...

I laughed through your entire post...well, not the first part. I am fighting an upper respiratory infection and feel like poop! Hope we're both feeling better soon.

Robin Lambright said...

Here's hoping you are feeling better very soon...

hmmm...I am hoping that neither of you have false teeth!


Jeanette said...

Hope you are feeling better! I am counting on my girls making the contact mistake one day :} At least you noticed something was not exactly right!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

LMBO about the contacts.