Thursday, April 21, 2011

It’s A Bullet Post Kind Of Week…

My week can be best describe in bullet form…nothing special enough to write actual sentences, so here goes…

  • I hate having my teeth cleaned because it is never good news, I have a cavity
  • I want to dye eggs but the teenage boys do not seem interested, think I will dye them anyways
  • I started pulling weeds yesterday and found a baby snake, so the back flower bed needs some attention beside mine
  • I want to start a straw garden…any pointers?
  • My wicker set needs new cushions
  • It has rained a lot in Tennessee and we have a leak in our kitchen….yikes
  • We spent a few hours in the emergency room Monday, it is nothing like Gray’s Anatomy (everything was fine, no major illness)
  • My kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes and the dishwasher is empty, what’s up with that?
  • The riding mower needs new belts
  • My phone bill is due in 3 days
  • I am ready to have a yard sale but lack motivation to actually do it
  • I just finished crocheting my third rug yesterday.  I think I might be ready to teach our Dominican team how to do it and almost ready to teach the women in the village of La Cumbre as well!!  (2 months till we travel!!!)   :)
  • All the laundry in the house is clean, it’s a miracle.
  • We had meatloaf and mashed potatoes for lunch

I could continue this for days but almost feel asleep on the last one!  HA!  Told you, there has not been much going on this week!! 


Anonymous said...

I can think of one. Ashley's blog. hehehehehe. Sounds like an interesting week. Ahhh... life of a stay at home mommy! Wish it were me bulleting about life as a stay at home mommmy :( I'll step off my soap box now. Hehe

Robin Lambright said...

Great minds think and Sara (Make Music from your hear to the Lord) did a post about it being a bullet point kind of day!

No tips on the straw garden, sorry.

Glad everyone is ok, the ER is no fun!


BARBIE said...

My laundry is never all done. Oh I love meatloaf. Enjoyed your post.