Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Nest The Boy Did Fly


Our oldest left for college this weekend.  As he pulled out of drive it was hard to shed a tear because I was shielding the bright gleam of light reflecting off his pearly whites.  I guess he wont be missing us…I was a tad devastated.

A day went by and then the next and I thought  the child would be missing us considering he has been gone since Sunday, but as of this morning when I called him, I was not feeling the love.

Oh but how quickly things change.  Tonight I got the call…

Mom how do I wash my clothes…..


I am feeling pretty good right now!!


BARBIE said...

Isn't it nice to know we moms will always be needed?

Galen said...

Haha, I just left for college too, and I'm definitely missing my family. Luckily I figured out how to work the washing machine, but it took me a while to figure out where to put the soap! It'll be a good experience though.

Teresa Dawn said...


My brother went to college last year but I think he felt a bit home sick. He came back to visit us every other weekend.

Annette said...


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...


tonya said...

I understand the pain of when they leave. I compare it to birth, you really don't know how hard it is until you go through it yourself. Great blog!