Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Sometimes the littlest thing in life changes something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be but you just can't because things have changed so much.  I am there, I feel a peace (not joy, but a peace) about it.  I always have felt a hole or a nagging about a situation in my life, but just one  conversation can change so much.  What I once knew, is not the same.  So much hurt and indifference has caused a turning of the page and a new chapter.  Not what I wanted or where I thought this would lead, but it’s life.  Sad, but true sometimes you have to hold your head high and keep on keeping on, not looking back.  Once again, I cling to this verse.

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.            2 Corinthians 4:18


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Amen :) Love you.

Jeanette said...

I love that verse too! Praying for you.

Sarah Fortune KannT said...

I love this it is very good for the soul.

check me at http://geegee-finda.blogspot.com