Friday, August 20, 2010

A Little Of This, Some of That and Whoa, Really?

We have been super busy all year long!!  It has been a whirlwind of a year and I am ready for some serious down time.  I feel my blogging has also taken a hit and I am always saying, “hey I should really blog about that”, but then the time slips away and I never do.  That has been the story of my life lately!  So here is a catch up of several different thing!!

Our oldest is leaving for school next week.  I can’t believe I just typed that, because I feel way to young to have a child old enough to be leaving for college.  I guess I am getting older than I feel, which is a good thing…I would hate to be feeling my age!!

My allergy diet is going well, very well.  I guess I am scared to death of the Epipen and it has given me the drive to not eat ANYTHING that is on my list to avoid.  The doctor did say I could  introduce the low risk things back slowly to see if my body would tolerate it, but I am just not brave enough to try that yet.  As of right now, I am about 20 pound down, so that makes me very excited!  I am very limited on what I can eat, but I do not even miss it anymore, so I am trucking along.  I will say, I do miss pizza a little…or perhaps, ALOT!!

There is some big news that I have been guarding and not letting get out, for personal reasons.  I even started a private blog to talk about it some, but have failed miserably to keep that blog updated, like this one.  But we do have some really big news and are ready to share it.

We have been doing some minor repairs and painting to our home to prepare for it to go on the market.  We have talked about putting our home on the market for a while to move closer to town.   So in about a month, the sale sign should be up.  The big news is…….instead of moving closer to town…..we are moving out of the country!!

Yes, we have felt the Lord’s call on our heart to move to the Dominican!!  The details are still working themselves out, and of course it is all in God’s perfect timing, but we are so excited to see what the future hold!  As more details come about I will be sharing them, but as of right now, the first step is selling our home.  Please be in prayer for us as there will be lots of changes coming our way in the next few months!

So I guess that about covers the just of it!!  Thanks for hanging in there with my lack of blogging as of late, but I am sure, I will have lots to share coming soon!! 


Teresa Dawn said...

That is big news. I will be praying :) God Bless.

And congrats on losing 20 lbs!!!! (Now I just need to do that too :p!)

Tara said...

Whoa girl, that IS big news!! How exciting!!!

Quilt Diva said...

Congrats on the weight loss girl. Also congrats on putting your deep feelings and the calling on your blog. It is going to be exciting to see what God has in store for you guys. We love you so much.

Melissa's Thoughts said...

Thank you Thank you Thank you..I was about to burst, but didn't tell anyone. :)

Dapoppins said...

What a huge move... What an awesome thing God is doing!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

20 go girl :D

Praying for a quick sale on the home, I can't wait til ya'll are stress free.

I hope we get to see ya'll soon.