Sunday, December 19, 2010

Redneck Christmas Party

Last night was the annual Redneck Christmas Party at my friends Beth’s house!  I have been looking forward to this since last year and when she called a couple of weeks ago to put me in charge of games again, I was super excited!  This party is a good old fashion have fun, laugh and just be yourself!


I drug my ‘cuz Annette along to enjoy the redneck festivities, but for some reason I just could not get her to chow down on some yum-o souse!  HA!  She was having no part of that!  Unfortunately I did not get a picture of the spread of food but oh my, there a plenty of it, right down to the smoked bologna! 

We played two games, one was Dirty Santa and the other was Pass The Trash.   Both yielded some pretty interesting gifts…


Depends and suppositories…


Do it yourself chocolate covered crickets with toothpicks and dipping chocolate…yes those are live crickets!  That gift was my idea…pretty funny, huh?  HA!


A golden throne, fit for a king!


Formal underwear…


Heated corncob toilet paper, shucked to be extra smooth…


Iron Man drawers….yes, this group has something for fancy boxers!

I think I walked away with one of the best gifts of the evening…a box full of goodies containing chicken poop chap stick, monkey butt powder, goat soap and beeswax lotion!  I was super excited!!


Already looking forward to next year!


Unknown said...

Looks like fun! Some of those gifts are crazy.

Unknown said...


I made just what it called for and it filled my crock pot FULL. We ate on it all weekend and I brought it for lunch today and still half a big bowl in the fridge this morning. So I took it to mama's so they could eat some and so it wouldn't get wasted. If you double it, I'm sure you'll end up wasting half. Hope this helps!!!