Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Pondering Things

I have been quiet for awhile, pondering over a few things.

Christmas was great at our house and it was good to break free from the hustle of life for a few days. I have been off work since the 23rd and will not have to go back until the 3rd. A good break to sit back and reflect.

So what is all the refection about? Good question. I have been thinking of the things that keep running through my mind, mostly my blog. What is it about? When I started my blog it was mostly for keeping track of our family. I have never been a great scrapbook keeper or even a photo album keeper for that matter. As you know, life changes fast and I was not good keeping a record of anything. I thought a blog would be a great place to do that…and it has been.

Blogging is something I enjoy, I enjoy it more than what you would think considering that I have not been posting much. For a while I posted everything, our life, our kids, things that were going on in our life, the good and the bad. Then I heard of some criticism about what I was posting and I became gun shy. I stopped and was very selective on what I posted. I became so selective that I quit blogging for a while and when I did, I was reading and rereading what I was writing so much that I would get frustrated and quit the post.

Which leads me to where I am right now. I am so busy not blogging for the fear of being critiqued that I have been barely blogging at all and I am not happy with that!

Here is an example that what I am talking about. Not to long ago I talked about my son that is in college. Tough love, is it enough or too much, was the blog title. I anguished over it. After I posted it I got great feed back from other parents that were going through similar situations. It was great…not that they were going through what we were going through, but knowing that we were not the only people dealing with this.

As a society, I feel we are living out our lives perfect. Only showing the world our perfect side, the perfect things our children do, the great promotions that our spouses receive, the Christmas card showing the most perfect family full of smiles, the great successes that we accomplish, not the pitfalls that we face. What if we lived in a glass house? What if we lived our life transparently? Would it be different?

I am not saying that life is not great and we should not talk about the good things that happen, but what if we were honest and shared the not so perfect as well. I guess I am there. I want to blog with transparency. We are so super blessed and I look forward to sharing the good, but there are also things that happen that is not so super good and it would be nice to get support from those that might be going through the same sort of thing.

I got super deep there for a bit, but I think I might be changing my blog up some. I blog for me and I need to get back there. Who cares if those that may read my blog disagree with what I say. I am being me and I am looking forward to blogging again!


Unknown said...

You go girl :)

Robin Lambright said...

I completely ditto Ashley!

My blogging has changed a bit with the changes that my life has gone through.

When I first began my blog I was in the thick of some very nasty teenage rebellion. I posted often about my motherly heartache. I still have a some what tenuous relationship with my son, however since he moved out of my house things have gotten a bit better, sorta.

I firmly stand behind the concept of out of sight out of mind. What momma can't see momma doesn't need to see.

I will admit to having some hesitation at times as to content on my blog. My son's girlfriend does from time to time pop over so I try to be as positive as I can.

I don't want to place any major stumbling blocks in the path of restoration if ya know what I mean.

But I do fully believe that each persons blog needs to represent who that person is, warts and all.

Those who know you via the blogosphere stop by to read your latest because they are interested in keeping up with you and what is going on in your life. I mean after all if we don't want folks to know we certainly wouldn't be putting our thoughts out there... a disclaimer though, in all the time I have been maintaining a blog I have only had one or two comments in the negative about anything I posted.

My family has not had a problem with it at all, but then the hubs and the DD no not read my blog and I feel very certain that the son does not either. The only reason my son's girlfriend gives me a look is to copy any new picture of muffinhead...

Blog your heart out my friend!

Inquiring mind need to know...


BARBIE said...

Good for you! I love that you are transparent and real. That's why I follow. I remember when we lost our home this year to short-sale to avoid foreclosure, I was afraid to share, afraid of what people might think. But I was surprised to see how many there were who walked the same road. Blessings to you!

Jeanette said...

Welcome back! I have missed you :}

sara said...

I agree with everyone above. There are always going to be people who criticize. I just don't think you can avoid that. But finding people who are going through the same things and/or being able to encourage them or be encouraged by them far out weighs that!!

I love reading your blog!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Yep I think I am taking on the same concept ;) Hopefully we can keep each other on track with our blogging.