Monday, October 4, 2010

Dominican Trip Day One…

Thursday morning was a very early morning and overall whirlwind of a day.  As mentioned in my previous post I do not like flying and the first flight was rather bumping,  As I sat and sat dreading waiting for the second flight, I was pretty much at peace with dying when it was time to board and walked on the plane with the thought that this could be it, I might not make it. 

The  first thing my radar  grabbed onto were the police men in the hallway thingie that connects the plane to the building (not sure what it is called) and they were checking passport information.  The lady that was ahead of me informed me that she has never seen that EVER and she has traveled a lot to the Dominican….great!  I am going to be on the plane with someone with a death wish.  My first thought was maybe I will get a seat all by myself so when we do encounter the mad man mid-flight, I’ll have the seat next to me so I can brace myself for the crash!   Nope, there was a person next to me on this super jumbo flight.

Well all I can say is it’s amazing that God pust the right person in your path at just the right moment…He is just awesome that way!  I met a girl named Nehanda she was flying in from New York and immediately she started up a conversation that lasted the most part of the trip.  She was going to the Dominican because of a documentary she saw on TV and asked her dad to meet her.  They were heading into the community of La Romana to work and observe.  Before the flight ended we shared our story, laughed, connected and prayed!!  I tell you it was awesome.  I can not wait to get home and talk with her to see how her trip went.  Yep, this looks like a long friendship has started!

Once getting there and getting to my destination for the evening, Metchie, the wonderful Dominican “mom” of World Servants took us out for dinner, Dominican style Chinese Food!  I will have to say it would of not been my first choice, but it was awesome!!  Who knew that Chinese food prepared in the Dominican Republic made by Dominican people could actually taste better than homegrown Tennessee Chinese food!   Ha!!  I would of snapped a picture before we started eating, but the smell was so scrumptious that all you get is a peek at the after math…IMG_1398

On our way back to our house, we were hit by a car….great end to a long day…if you have even be on the streets in a third world country you will know what I am saying when, each and every time you have to get on the road, you pray the hardest you’ll ever pray!!   Luckily it was not that bad and in true Dominican style everyone gets upset and then we drove off!

There was my first day in a not shell and can’t wait to share more in the next couple of days!!


Anonymous said...

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You ~Ron

Robin Lambright said...

WOW! You had a full day! Surviving a non plane crash and Dominican Republic Chinese food to boot!

Blessings for a wonderful time in the mission field!


sara said...

isn't God great like that?! providing this wonderful new friend to distract you from being fearful while flying!!! love it!