Thursday, August 20, 2009

A Random Post Of lots of Little Things

First, I wanted to thank y’all for all your comments on the “Heritage Not Hate Debate”.  It was enlightening to see what everyone had to say on the subject.  As Greg put it, you know how to open a can of worms.  

As parents, our decision is firm on not allowing Bradley to fly the flag.  He is young and just does not understand the repercussions that this could have.  It’s the same old thing I used to say when I was a teenager….”my friends are doing it”, and it’s the same response that I used to hear….”if your friends were jumping off a 10 story building” that we are telling him.  In time, or with age, he will understand why it is inappropriate to fly it and it’s a shame that a flag that used to stand for something has been made into a symbol of hate, but that's life! 

Moving on to less political subjects, well maybe not….are any of y’all attending any Hall meetings on the healthcare debate?  We have one scheduled for the 25th in our county and I would love to hear more….

Really moving on to happy subjects!

Today I had the day off and I as I sit here to write this post, I am still in my PJ’s at 5:38 in the afternoon!!  What a great day!  I have no excuse, other that I just do not want to do a thing (apparently not getting dressed is one of them!).  I even took a two hour nap!  Yay me and yay Higgins, he took one too!  I did manage to cook breakfast and lunch and make a fresh batch of chocolate peanut butter cookies, but besides that I have been totally lazy! 

Since we have been back from our mission trip, I have had a really tough time getting back on a routine of daily life activities.  The week after I was back, I worked for a week, then I took a few days off to head down to Florida, and after that I have been really non-productive outside of work.  I seem to lack energy and motivation.  I am hoping that when we get back into the full swing of school it will help. 

DJ started back to school full time last week.  It’s his senior year of high school and he is so excited, and so are we!!  I can’t believe that we have a senior in high school!  UGH, we are getting old!  HA! 

Bradley and Joey are home schooled and they do not start back until September 14th, which seems like light years away.  I am thinking of getting Joey started back on some little things next week, but Bradley’s classes will not start until the 14th, so really until then not much is going on.  There are no complaints out of Bradley's mouth, but I think Joey is itching to get back into school.

Well I am sure that y’all have fallen asleep of total boredom by now, but one more thing before I let you go to sleep!  HA!

Who is watching Big Brother??  Well we are and we are on the edge of our seats for tonight's show, we are pulling for Jordan and Jeff, what about y’all?

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Heritage Not Hate Debate

Okay, here’s the deal.  I am calling this the Heritage Not Hate Debate, and I need opinions from my loyal and faithful readers.

My son, Bradley is wanting to fly his Rebel Flag from his truck, and we are completely reluctant to allow this to happen, for various reasons.


One of the most obvious reason is because as a mother, I am terrified that someone might see it as a symbol of hate and not heritage, causing undue controversy. 

Bradley’s argument is, The Confederate Flag is heritage and represents freedom, therefore it would be fine.  He feels that we live in the South and this flag is a symbol of the South and the Civil War, anyone seeing it differently are the ones that have the problem. 

This debate has been going on for quite a while now and Bradley even asked his Sunday School teacher about it and he felt it would be fine to have the flag on his truck.  I am not dismissing the fact that it is heritage but I feel that he does not need to bring attention to himself from others that feel differently. 

Another one of his arguments is that there are many different flags and symbols that people use on their vehicles that represent their schools, organizations and the likes that they may have, so why is this different.

Regardless, at this time, we are not allowing him to fly his flag, but I would love to hear from others on this debate.  He feels very strongly about this and maybe a compromise can be had by maybe allowing a sticker instead, but I am still on the fence.  What do you think?


Friday, August 14, 2009

Some After Pictures

Okay, after much complaining on my part, or as some in the office would say, whining.  Today, I cleaned my office and did a little office shopping in other co-workers offices as well!


Here is looking in my office.


At my desk, looking out.


My new sitting area…my favorite!!  The chairs were provided by April, the lamp was provide by Connie and the table was a lucky find I stumbled upon in one of the rooms in the office.  Of course, I may come in Monday to find my office empty, but isn’t it so pretty now!! 

April, please look at it this way….one day it will be less for you to move!!  I so owe you!!  Oh yea, and I owe you $10 bucks too…..hmm, I guess I better be paying up!  HA!


A picture of my almost clean desk!!

All that is left is for me to buy some pictures for my wall.  Look out Hobby Lobby, here I come!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

A Busy Day Yesterday And What To Do With My Space

Yesterday, Me and Hubby met the family for lunch at a small, famous little place on the outskirts of town, named Miller’s Grocery.  Good ‘ol Southern fittles at their best and a place where you throw caution to the wind on the diet home front! 

Here are a few pictures from our ever so scrumptious lunch…


 SDC11183  SDC11185

Annette, April & Brandon waiting ever so patiently for lunch, well April not so much on the patience part!  HA!

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Stacey smiling it up for the camera and I guess you can say the same for me and hubby!

SDC11197The Miller’s Grocery Dog that is always there!  Cute huh?


The after picture, completely full and miserable!


Okay here is where I throw caution to the wind and show you the ever so junk yard that I call my office each and everyday at work.  I can’t believe that I am doing this, but I need help y’all!

My office is the where the party is!!  On any given day, there are folks that take up residence there, and I for one love it!  (I am a social kind of of girl!)

Here are my two partners in crime, April and Wes.  Wes is our ever mantastic tech guy, and the one I whine to the most!  April is our wonderful Children’s Ministry Director and aka ‘cuz.  Like I said, on most says the three of us are in my office, when we are not at lunch that is!


These two were absolutely no help to me yesterday!  I want to move my office around to accommodate all of us when we are all three working on a project together and I need to decorate my walls, BAD!

Here is the view from my desk looking out.  Did I mention that I need organization as well?  (The mirror in the wall is the only thing I have hanging in my office.)



Standing behind and to the right of my desk, we are looking at a small desk that I also have in my office, this is where April usually hangs out.


This picture is behind my desk, looking to the left side of my desk.


Looking into my office.

There you have it….let the comments & suggestions begin on my much needed office makeover!! 

Monday, August 10, 2009

A Post In Which My Thoughts Are To Confused To Make Sense

What a title, but the past few weeks have been tough.  I start a blog post, then I stop that blog post.  For some reason my thought process is so jumbled that I do not know where to begin or even how to form the sentence to express my feelings or thoughts.

I have a pulling on my heart, a calling I think, to do something where I am completely at a loss of how to accomplish it.  I think, or I know what God is telling me to do, but am am feeling quite inadequate to fulfill that call. 

Wait, that sounds bad, let me try this again.  I feel a calling to do something, but am very confused on maybe the exact calling, or not the exact calling, but the means of fulfilling that call.  That is not right either, because if God is calling me to do something he will make it possible, so what I am trying to say, is I feel that I am not ready.  Which is not right either, because I am ready, I am doubting myself.

Wow, again I am not making any sense.

This mission trip was an extreme eye opener for me this year.  This trip was very different than the last trip, because on the last trip, I knew that I was called to return, and I really thought I had a good handle on why I was returning to the DR for the second time.  This trip was harder on the terms of being fulfilled in why I thought I was there, and really looking back I think God was revealing himself to me in a way that was so evident that I was trying very hard to look away because I am not that person that he is saying that I am.  Do you understand what I am trying to say?

At this point I am wanting to stop writing because I am so confused that I feel that I am not making any sense, but i am determined to get this out. 

I have a vision on what I feel needs to happen, but I think I am letting the fear of the unknown hold me back.  The fear of failure or maybe the lack of know how to accomplish what needs to transpire to make this vision come to fruition. 

I had a great talk with our associate pastor today and also with my cousin and if I could tap into just a little bit of my cousins awesome “it will happen not matter what” spirit, half the battle would be won!

Pray for me, pray for the clarity of what God is telling me.  I need to quit doubting and fully trust, and right now I am holding on too tight.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Testing, Testing, Can You Hear Me??

Okay, I was not too sure if my blog worked anymore since it has been ages since I last posted something!!

I promise I have not fell off the face of this earth! There has been so much going on since I got home for the Dominican, that by the time my day is done, I fall into the bed to get ready for another extremely busy day!

I promise to post all about my busy life soon, because, honestly there have been some exciting things going on that I would love to share! I just can't right now, because I do not have a minute to blog everything, but I will leave you with just a few things I have been up too.....
  • Coupons
  • Florida Vacay (short vacay that is)
  • Kids
  • Higgins
  • Ceiling Fan
Yep, some exciting stuff Here! Stay tuned!