Monday, July 6, 2009

The Love Story of Us

Rachel @ The Musing Of A Future Pastor’s Wife, is running this awesome carnival of Meetings, Marriages & Memories.  Hope on over to her site and read more love stories of  others!

~Chapter One~

Oh where to begin, The Love Story of Us, is a magical story of two love struck teenagers that feel madly in love at first sight. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and little butterflies fluttered all around us as our eyes met for the first time….NOT!  Starting a story is always the hardest part!!  I think I will break our Love Story into two or three parts.  That way your poor eyeballs will not pop out of your head from reading all the gooey mushiness about us!!

Jeremy and I met in high school, Middleburg High School, the home of the Broncos class of 1990, to be exact!  If I recall the first time I met him we were both towards the end of our 10th grade year.  We had mutual friends in band.  I was in the Flag Corps, Jeremy played the horn.  We really never had crossed paths even though we were both in the marching band.  Opposite ends of the spectrum, I suppose.

LaDonna was my running mate at the time, we lived down the road from each other and she rode to school with me everyday.  Actually we stayed in lots of trouble it seems because we rode to school together everyday, besides the point.  Jeremy on the other hand, rode to school each day with Gloria, my soon to be best friend.  Those two were the good doer’s and seemed to stay out of trouble.  LaDonna and I would sway them to the dark side eventually!  HA!  Again, whole other story!

I lived in the country, Jeremy lived in the city, opposite ends of the world it seems and our high school was smack in the middle of both our homes.  I do not recall the very first meeting we had, but I think it was in the hallways.  I also think that was the first time I meet Gloria and if you will, I am pretty sure that was the first time all four of us were together and that begins a very rocky road of a friendship of four.  We all couldn't seem to get along at the same time.  There was always drama and Jeremy and I were always fighting about something!

I guess the Love Story of Us, is the classic romance novel, where boys meets girl, and girl likes bad boys with attitudes, not the straight laced kind of guys like Jeremy!  Isn’t that how romance novels go? 

Jeremy will say he was in love with me at first sight.  To this day he says we loves me more, but actually, he just loved me first.  He knew that day we met that we would be together, forever.  My thoughts when we first met was not his.  I guess to explain our love story you will need to know our personalities to understand the full just of our beginning.  I suppose we will start with me first….

I was a girl that did as little as possible to get by in school.  I hated going and seemed to get into trouble from time to time, like everyday.  I despised authority and hated to be told to do something  I could of made great grades, but didn't because I would not do homework because, it simply cramped my style.  I aced tests, and therefore I would pass the class.  My favorite class was English and I excelled in that class only.  The others, were just a necessary evil that had to be done.

In my senior year, I took two band classes and a music theory class along with the staples to get a diploma.  I was such the high achiever in those days!  I partied, rolled in late everyday to school and skipped most afternoons of school, again not the model student!  I did attend church every time the doors were opened and was very active in my youth group.  I totally lived a double standard life and rarely got caught and/or was in trouble with my parents.  I think school brought out the worse in me!!

Jeremy on the other hand was the model student.  Made great grades, did his homework each and every day and extra credit whenever he could.  I think I can count one hand the days he was late to school and I am sure he was late because Gloria made him late, not because of his own doings!!  (Sorry Gloria)

Jeremy’s senior year, he had an English class and a study hall.  He left everyday at 3rd period and went to work at Prudential.  He was responsible, had a job, a car that he brought and paid for, and basically had a plan for his life unlike myself.  Jeremy was very close to his family and every chance he would get, he would be ether at his Granny’s house or in Georgia at his Aunt’s &  Uncle’s house.

So how did two polar opposites ever get together to begin their love story?  Find out in Chapter Two (July 13th), the first date….


Lauren said...

can't wait to read the rest!! :)

Anonymous said...

OK, now I am DYING to know how you two actually wound up together! (I'm guessing holy intervention???) :)

Thanks so much for participating!

Unknown said...

Awww ... high school sweethearts. Love it.

Annette said...

Oh my goodness!!! I can feel a tear coming on......

Anonymous said...

I'm LMAO!!!!! I soooo remember you being late ALL the time and if?when you did homeowrk or a project it was at the LAST minute!!!!!

I forgot ALL about Gloria......How is she doing?


Robin Lambright said...

A reformed rebel, whod a thunk it!

Can't wait for chapter two!


Greg C said...

Interesting. So you were a party animal? Keep going.

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

The whole time I was reading this I was thinking I thought Jeremy played the Flute ;)