Friday, May 22, 2009

Bloggers Anonymous


I got me an award…Yay!! It’s from my sis-n-law Jenny from Flutterye Chronicles.

I am guessing she is trying to tell me I need BA, yeah, ummm, I suppose….she may…just be a teeny weensy tiny bit…..okay she is right!

If you are wondering if you may need Bloggers Anonymous, here are a few key point that should let you know…granted there are a lot more than I am listing, but of course these few hit me to the “T”!!

1) You start referring to your blogging buddies in conversations with your RL friends and assume they know who you are talking about “Oh, let me tell you what Tena said today” “kim did the funniest thing”

2) You tweet, kirtsy, stumble upon, digg, plurk, myspace, ning, and facebook all day long….and still have time to set your posts

3) You stalk your stats more then once a day

4) You get excited when 2 people comment on a post and if more then 5 do, you start to hyperventilate

5) You play more then one MEME a week

6) You have more then 3 blogs…one for reviews, one for family, and one to talk about your family (and they don’t know about it)

7) You have ever talked to a blogger on the phone-that you have never met

8) You are secretly happy when something dramatic happens during the day so you can blog it

9) You know where all the major graphic sites are online (istockphoto)

10) You have figured out enough HTML to add a blog banner to your page and wow, are you proud

11) You have given advice to ANOTHER blogger on how to blog

12) When one of your kids has broken into your makeup/fridge/cabinet/underwear drawer, instead of removing them from the situation, you grab the camera to document it for your blog

13) You get excited when someone links your blog on their blogroll

Now in order to claim this award I must do a post and link back to and then pick 5 bloggers and award them…you know who your addicted buddies are! Lets make the BA Group huge.

The hardest part is picking just five!! HA! Just joking, I know y’all are not addicted to blogging……..

Here’s my pick:

  1. Jeannett @ Our crazy kids... I mean life!

  2. Annette @ MeMe's Ink

  3. Mellissa @ Melissa's Thoughts

  4. April @ To Live is to Love

  5. Meredith @ Simplicity Simplified

Sorry girls, sometimes the truth hurts!!! Love ya!! Now of course, I am not leaving this open to just five, you know who you are…..if you need to join the allusive Bloggers Anonymous, feel free to grab the above button and post away!!


Robin Lambright said...

Is BA a 12 step program?? We may have to form a chapter here in the deep south.

Blessings for a fellow BA.

Darla said...

i am so relieved that i wasn't on that list, i am in denial although most of those things describe me!