Monday, July 18, 2011

This Post Has Gone To The Dogs!

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I am a cat person, really!  I have always loved cats, decorated my house with all things cats and never really got close to dogs, cause you know the rule….cats rule, dogs drool!  Yeah that was me!!  As the years have inched by and a mantastic chihuahua came into my life, I am slowly liking dogs more and more!  We have three indoor dogs, and two get on my nerves, and they are all wonderful.  I tell you this because I really only speak of Higgins, so I needed to state the facts that there are other dogs besides the Higgins!

The first, furry beast in the above pictures, that is in need of a hair cut, is Bandit.  Underneath all the hair is a poodle that is well behaved and knows several tricks!   He hangs out mostly with our middle son and believe it or not is totally attached to that crazy, gun shooting, loud redneck!!  Bandit is scared of all things loud and is most terrified of thunder!  BUT, recently we brought him a Thundershirt!!  Have you heard of this most wonderful invention?? 


This is a picture of one and they claim that if your dog was wears this shirt, it will make them calm and fearless during a thunderstorm or any other thing that might bring your dog anxiety.  Well I had anxiety over the price of $36 for a shirt, but they claim that if you are not satisfied that they will refund your money 100%.  So what’s there to lose, I told my husband!  I am here to say it was the best $36 I have ever spent!  I kid you not!  Bandit went from whimpering from a thunderstorm that was miles away that we could not even hear, to cool calm and collective during the loudest bangs of lightening and claps of thunder!  Check out their website here!  (Sorry didn’t mean for this to turn into a commercial for Thundershirts!)

Anyhoo, the next furball that coexists with us is Maggie.  Maggie is a 3lb Pomeranian that with the a quick yip can send a grown man to his knees in agony.  Yip, I mean yep, her bark is worse than a dozen fingernails clawing their way down a chalkboard!  My husband loves her to pieces, so we put up with her endless yippy tendencies and love her in spite of the noise that comes from this very small package of fur!   Plus she is so darn cute!!

Of course, there is the ever Mantastic Chihuahua that finally won my heart over to being a lover of dogs, Higgins!  He is the youngest of the three, but quickly became the alpha dog of the family!  I really think the other two do not mind at all because when Higgins came into the family the other two got perks that I would of never allowed a dog before!  They get pampered beyond the normal limits and because of Higgins distinguished palate they enjoy eating well and have an endless supply of organic ginger bear snacks at their disposal!

So there you have it, a post that is all about the dogs that coexist in our home with us.  :o)


Unknown said...

Did you see out newest addition?

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I can not believe that thundershirt really worked, but I am glad it did :)

Your puppies are so spoiled especially Higgies.