Thursday, July 7, 2011

DR Women’s Ministry

It all began here, if you would like to read about how I came up with the idea of this years women's ministry project for our mission trip.

I will have to say before we left for our trip, I was getting a little nervous.  I had originally planned on taking 100 rug kits with me to the Dominican.  Each kit had enough material in it to make one rug, along with a crochet needle and a pair of scissors.  By Wednesday night my husband and I only had enough cut and put together for around 60 kits.  Needless to say, I was in pure panic mode!  When my in-laws arrived on Thursday, they quickly jumped in the wild mess of helping me get everything together. (Oh how I wished I had a picture to show you!)  By the time Friday rolled around, we had assembled 82 kits and that was all I had room for in our suitcases.  Four huge suitcases where jammed pack full of rug kits, thanks to the wonderful use of spacebags!!

Our first women’s ministry day was Monday.  It was suppose to start at 2pm and at that time, not one woman was anywhere to be seen.  Working so hard on something for so long, I would be lying if I said I was not disappointed.  I took a group with me to walk through the community, with a rug in hand, to invite them to join us.  By three o’clock we were in full swing!!

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Here is where the goose bump moment starts.  See the two pictures above?  The women in the blue shirt, her name is Ramona, the lady next to her in the white shirt is Pam.  Pam met Ramona five years ago.  Ramona is a prostitute. She is married to a man that forced her into prostitution.  She is an outcast among the village and has never participated in the women’s ministry before.  She has came, but only to stand on the outside.  Each year, Pam has given Ramona a kit of what we have been doing for the that year.  This year it was the same.  The last picture, Pam called over an interpreter and another lady that was helping her learn to crochet and sat outside and taught her how to learn.  While they taught her, Pam talked to her about the gospel.  Usually, this is the last that is seen of Ramona….but not this year.

The next day, not only did Ramona  show back up, but she came into the church and sat down with us.  She was happy to show us a pot holder that she made.  Tuesday, not only did she sit among  many women that did not like her, but she also helped us teach them how to crochet.  I think that was the first time that I really seen her smile and she smiled BIG!  How exciting!  Here are some more pictures from Tuesday….

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Wednesday we had a day off, but when the time arrived on Thursday for the women’s ministry, she was one the of first through the door.  What an amazing day, we had working with the women.  Many had the material tied together and all the women were working together to help one another.  Ramona was right there helping as well!

Friday came so quick, but look at these pictures.  I wish I could have taken more, but it was crazy busy.  Ramona made a rug and quickly got busy helping others out.  The third picture, a lady named Roseita came back and instead of making a rug, she made a purse!  HA!  I was way impressed!!

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Each year we stress to the ladies of the community the importance of sharing time with other women….the importance of relationships.  This year we are finally starting to see it come together.

Oh I forgot to mention how awesome God is!!  I was so stressed about having 100 kits and was sure that we would have to welcome a few ladies and have no kits available.  82 kits was the perfect number.  Each lady that showed up received a kit and we had none to spare.  Yep, as of Friday afternoon we handed out the last kit and no one was left without one!! 


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

That is awesome :)

Space Savers correspondent said...

What a great trip! We're happy to hear Space Bag was able to help you fit all the crochet materials in your luggage. Space Bag has an online community called Space Savers where we have organizing tips, discounts, and a space for Space Bag customers to share their story. If your story is selected, you could win up to 8 free Space Bag Storage Packs. We'd love for you to share your story. Just visit to submit or view stories from other members.

Best wishes,
Space Savers correspondent