Monday, January 24, 2011

Who Knew I Was So Popular?

Within the past 24 hours, there has been two people that have scolded me for not blogging.  Two, that’s big, really big!  Considering that we live in a world of a billion people or so, there are two people that read my blog, to me that is impressive!  Of course one is my awesome mother-in-law….hi mom, and the other is a dear and near friend….hello Felisa!!  Either way, I need to blog!  I have big news and also need to answer a few pressing questions that some have had….first the pressing questions…

1.  WE ARE NO LONGER SNOWED IN!  Woo to the hoo!!  I know, some of you figured it out, but there were some that were fearful that we killed each other!  I am here to say that in fact, we are ALL still living, kicking and breathing! 

2.  Jeremy’s truck is unstuck!  On day five (Friday 1-14-11) the kids were suppose to be at church at 5:00 for a weekend of D-Now.  D-Now is a yearly event that takes place over a weekend in January.  I NEEDED TO KIDS TO GO!!  So I told my husband that if he would get the truck unstuck and the kids to church so that we could have a weekend alone that I would take him to Bonefish.  I kid you not, during the process of getting the truck off the hill, there was the usage of  an extension cord and a blow dryer!!  HAHAHAHA!!  The funniest thing I have ever witnessed!  Still a rough ride getting out, but we did indeed get out!

3.  The first thing we did upon leaving was drop the kids off at church, go out to eat (Bonefish), stop by the grocery store to buy tea bags and cat food, then rushed home to do what we did for five days straight…veg in front of the TV and watch movies!  I know, so exciting.

Now for the big news……


I have a new domain,  I am no longer using the blogspot domain.  I really do not think that affects many, but I thought I would pass that on. 

Okay, really that was not the big news, just needed to put that out there.  Here’s the big news…

I am no longer employed!!!  Wooooooohooooooo!  Yes, we will be filing for food stamps, ASAP!  Naaaaa, just teasing!  I officially worked my last day on Friday and walked out of my cutie patootie office for the last time.  Bitter sweet, but a much need thing to do.  We have been working different schedules for a year and during Christmas we made the decision to end the craziness and for me to resign.  I loved my job, but I love my family even more, so I quit. 

So, what have I done on my first official day home?  I am suffering with a bad cold and made monkey bread!  I can tell the family is overjoyed with me right now!!  I think they were thinking of something more along the lines of clean laundry and steak and potatoes….HA!!  Not.

So that pretty much sums up the last week of my not blogging, of course, way more happened than I have the brain capacity to type out.  I will tell you to look out, because now that I am home, there will be lots more blogging.  There, I warned you!!  Thanks for reading and caring about my family!!


Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Yum Monkey Bread. I am glad ya'll are not snowed in and that the vehicles are working. I am thrilled that now you are home all the time to talk to me ;D

Jeanette said...

Thank goodness you are alive! I was worried sick ;}

So excited for you and your family. Enjoy every minute!!

Melissa's Thoughts said...

yumo Monkey Bread!! hope you have an amazing time at home. You so deserve to be at home with your beautiful family.

sara said...

so glad you are all alive and well and nobody killed anybody else!!!

congrats on leaving your job!!

Gator said...

Glad your not snowed in anymore, enjoy your days of relaxation off of working now. And I hope you get over your cold soon.

Gram said...

I'm glad everyone's okay. It worked - I got the latest entry.