Our Women’s Ministry has branched out with a ministry they named “Sister2Sister”. For those who may not be aware, this is a ministry where they pair women together in groups of two and for six months we plan at least one meeting once a month to share what is going on in our lives. A group of women prayed over who would be paired together and then we were split into a group of eight for a “Sister Keeper” to introduce us.
Before I go any further, let me give you a little back ground about myself. I am not a fan of surprises. I always know what I am getting for Christmas, birthdays, etc, because I am the one that will open a present ahead of time, then wrap it back up and wait ever impatiently for the day to come when I can really open it. I knew the sex of each one of our children before they were born, and if someone tries to keep a secret from me, I will begged, whine and cry until they (most of the time) give in and let me know.
This time not the case. I begged and whined myself silly and not one person told me who my “sister” would be. I scoured over e-mail address of the eight sisters who were in my group, trying to narrow it down to who I would be paired with and then would share my thoughts with the ones who were blessed with the secret, to be told…”I WILL not tell you”! Trust me I was trying everything I knew to get the information I wanted!!
Thursday arrived, the day I would get to meet my sister and I had no clue on who I would get. I was a wreck, this was a situation that was totally out of my control and I was a little on the uneasy side!
Susan Lynch was our Sister’s Keeper, and bless her heart, I already did everything in my power to pull the info out of her, and she absolutely did not divulged any information. (If you ever want someone to keep a secret, this is your woman!!)
Remember when you were a kid, and the anticipation of Christmas was almost to much to bear and you had to wait forever to open your Christmas presents? Well welcome to what we had to endure….I thought it would be 10pm before Susan would pass out those little colorful bags with our names on them so we could finally see who our sister was. The time finally came.
We opened our bags which had a pair of socks in them, and then we peeked around the room to find the sister that had the same socks that we had and YAY, my sister was……Jennifer Lane!!

The long anticipated wait was over and I was paired with the sweetest lady!! I am such a lucky sister!! We have started a journey of a sisterhood that I feel will lead into a lifelong friendship!
So did I learn any lessons from this experience of waiting? I can honestly say I did. My favorite Bible verse this year has been “Be still and know that I am God.” This is something I have always struggled with and at times have jumped into situations of my life, and sometimes forget to wait for and know that God is there and I just need to be still and wait and lean on Him. Just maybe, I will remember this the next time I am a situation that I must wait and not have control over. Will I still beg and whine for hints on presents and such…I am sure I will, but waiting for the big reveal of my sister, was so worth it and I can’t wait to see what our adventures of sisterhood will reveal to us!