Monday, August 1, 2011

Yes, Dogs Do Blog, At Least Mine Does!

I am very happy to announce the newest blogger to blog land….IMG_1810


If you have a few extra minutes, head over to

We have high hopes with this blog.  There are many things that as a dog and dog owner that we have tried and loved, and as well, tried and not loved.  We are here for you and your best four legged friend. 

Over the course of this blog, after getting to know Higgins of course, we hope to be a help to bloggers and their best four legged friends.  We are on the adventure of our life to try new things and tell you about it.  Higgins, of course, is very excited about this new journey!  If there is something that we try and love, we might give one away, so always stay tuned!  If there is something that you would love for us to try, let us know and we will do our best! 

So show us him some love.  Follow his page, leave comments and mention us to your friends.  We are looking forward to this adventure and hope that you join in!!!


Stacey said...

I was just showing Jeremy Higgins Blog!!! He is laughing his butt off!!! He likes it!!!!