Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So Who Is Watching Big Brother This Summer?

I AM!!

Yeah, I know….guilty pleasure.  But, there is nothing else on TV! 

Actually, I love this show!!!

If you watch, who are you wanting to win?? 

If you don’t watch this post will totally bore you!  :o)

I am a big fan of Jeff & Jordan and I really, really like Adam. I also like Rachel. I feel sorry for her, can’t help it!  I actually think she is great player that lets her emotions get in her way.  So they are my top four!



I was really a big Shelly fan until she started playing all sides.  I loved the fact that she came in as a caring mother figure but then the lying started getting on my nerves and then her Rachel bashing pushed me over the edge!  No more Shelly, can’t wait for her to get booted!  I am a little sadden in her game play choices, because she really has the power of persuasion of getting votes flipped.  Be loyal, stick with your alliance or get outta there!!  For those that may not be totally up on BB here is a picture of Shelly…

Now on to my bashing of Kalia, Porsche and Danielle….OH MY GOODNESS!!

First, Danielle in my opinion made a big move way to early.  I am a stickler for alliances and grated, sometimes you have to make big moves, but be prepared for others to retaliate and make big moves back.  Quit your whining!  Geeze…If her dad was still there, he would have told her to shut up and get over it already!  You made a big move, others are entitled to big moves as well!

Here are pictures of Danielle and Evil Dick…


Kalia, you just plain get on my nerves.  She let Danielle run her first and hopefully only HOH, and for that, phth…I am over you!  Stand up for yourself and do what you want.  Plus, I think she is totally lazy.

Then there is Porsche, poor girl…she has floated her way through.  I want to like her, really I do and I am trying to like her...  I think she just got caught up in the Danielle and Kalia parade and that made me dislike her some! 

So those are my thoughts…what’s yours?



Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

I don't watch big brother, but now I am up to speed. I get too embarrassed for the people who are clearly embarrassing themselves. Yet another reason I don't watch the bachelor/bachlorette ;)