I have been absent from my blog more than I have been present. I don’t like that at all. This afternoon I am sitting on my front porch, my place of refuge and my favorite place to be in the entire house, I thought to myself…it’s time to blog! So I grabbed my computer!! :o)
So, I sit here, with a loss of what to say. Totally not like me. There has been a lot that has been going on in life lately, but nothing blog worthy enough to post. I lie, that’s wrong…lots of blog worthy moments, but maybe I have the summer time blues and really have not taken the time to blog about them! There is always something going on, I just have been lazy and not got my fingers moving across the key board to talk about it.
Have any of you lacked the motivation to blog this summer??
I guess I have not entirely not been blogging, I have been busy with Higgins blog trying to get it up and running and it has been a blast! I have also been extremely busy with a few blog designs, which makes me smile! So I have not completely fell off the blogsphere, just my own personal blog!
Any suggestions on how to do that?? I know the best way to change a bad habit is to get in a routine and do that routine for 21 days straight…so maybe that is what I need to do with my blogging!! Oh well, I will be back tomorrow…promise, with something blog worthy! Until them, have a great day! :o)